Don’t you care?
It had been a long day of preaching and healing the sick and JESUS was tired., so as they took the boat across the lake HE fell asleep with HIS head on a cushion, just as you might put your head on a pillow and fall asleep after a busy day. But the wind came up, like the high winds we have been having. A furious storm broke and high waves beat against the little boat and it began to fill with water. Yet JESUS slept on. Fearful and frustrated they woke JESUS up and cried, “Don’t YOU care that we are going to drown?”(Mark 4:35-41)
Have you been there? Or perhaps right now you are in some awful “storm” with the winds howling and the waves crashing, filling your boat with water? Does it feel like GOD doesn’t care?
I am here to say HE does care. I have been there- in fierce storms with water filling my boat and no way out- more times than I can tell. Some of those times it seemed like GOD didn’t care. But each and every time, when I cried out to HIM, HE rose and calmed me, just as HE rose that day on the sea of Gallilee and said, “Hush, be still!” and the wind ceased and there was a dead calm.
The storm around me sometimes continued but always within me there was a calm and I knew HE was carrying me through. And HE always has.
GOD cares!
It had been a long day of preaching and healing the sick and JESUS was tired., so as they took the boat across the lake HE fell asleep with HIS head on a cushion, just as you might put your head on a pillow and fall asleep after a busy day. But the wind came up, like the high winds we have been having. A furious storm broke and high waves beat against the little boat and it began to fill with water. Yet JESUS slept on. Fearful and frustrated they woke JESUS up and cried, “Don’t YOU care that we are going to drown?”(Mark 4:35-41)
Have you been there? Or perhaps right now you are in some awful “storm” with the winds howling and the waves crashing, filling your boat with water? Does it feel like GOD doesn’t care?
I am here to say HE does care. I have been there- in fierce storms with water filling my boat and no way out- more times than I can tell. Some of those times it seemed like GOD didn’t care. But each and every time, when I cried out to HIM, HE rose and calmed me, just as HE rose that day on the sea of Gallilee and said, “Hush, be still!” and the wind ceased and there was a dead calm.
The storm around me sometimes continued but always within me there was a calm and I knew HE was carrying me through. And HE always has.
GOD cares!