One of the children’s books I read my little ones was about a tiny gold fish in a fish bowl and a young child. The child was allowed to feed the fish but told to feed it just so much and no more. Well, the child felt sorry for the fish and keep feeding it more and more and more. That fish grew and grew and grew until it didn’t even fit even in the bathtub. Although the child thought he was being kind and good, he hurt the fish and himself plus in the process made a mess of everything.
You know we can do that… all the while think we are kind and helpful but make a mess of everything.
Now, I am far from perfect. I do things wrong, though I do not want to or intend to. But I do. I bore 5 children, they gave me 11 grandchildren who have so far given me 6 great-grandchildren. If any of them asked me for a fish I would not give them a snake or if they asked for an egg I definitely would not give them a scorpion. Would you?
But I don’t always give them what they want either.
I had three of my grandchildren for most of last week. The youngest of the three loves to eat and she always wants more… sometimes I think she would eat til she popped if I would let her. Sometimes I misjudge and let her have a bit too much and she is miserable… her tummy hurts. It is because I really love her, that I will give her just so much and no more, even when she thinks she wants or needs more.
GOD is good.. In fact JESUS said that there is no one good but GOD. Sometimes we go to our Heavenly FATHER, the Sovereign wise Creator of heaven and earth and all that is in them and ask something we want or think we need but HE gives us something else.
A guy I know loves the LORD and a hard thing happened so he went to the LORD and asked for something special. He expected it to happen for he knows GOD loves to answer the prayers of HIS people. This man waited and waited patiently for the LORD to answer until one day something happened that showed him GOD was not giving him what he so desperately wanted and had asked for. In reality, he felt he had asked for a fish but GOD gave him a snake.
When that happened the guy felt GOD had cheated him and let him down. If I am honest I must admit that when I asked for a fish, I thought HE gave me a snake. Later I learned differently and realized GOD knew what HE was doing but at that moment I thought HE had given me a scorpion,
Luke 11:10-13 says that if we who are far from perfect know how to give good things to our children, how much more will GOD give what is best for us.
No good thing will HE withhold from them who walk uprightly… So if you are walking with HIM and HE withholds something from you, you can be certain that is it not the best thing for you right now. Trust HIM!
You know we can do that… all the while think we are kind and helpful but make a mess of everything.
Now, I am far from perfect. I do things wrong, though I do not want to or intend to. But I do. I bore 5 children, they gave me 11 grandchildren who have so far given me 6 great-grandchildren. If any of them asked me for a fish I would not give them a snake or if they asked for an egg I definitely would not give them a scorpion. Would you?
But I don’t always give them what they want either.
I had three of my grandchildren for most of last week. The youngest of the three loves to eat and she always wants more… sometimes I think she would eat til she popped if I would let her. Sometimes I misjudge and let her have a bit too much and she is miserable… her tummy hurts. It is because I really love her, that I will give her just so much and no more, even when she thinks she wants or needs more.
GOD is good.. In fact JESUS said that there is no one good but GOD. Sometimes we go to our Heavenly FATHER, the Sovereign wise Creator of heaven and earth and all that is in them and ask something we want or think we need but HE gives us something else.
A guy I know loves the LORD and a hard thing happened so he went to the LORD and asked for something special. He expected it to happen for he knows GOD loves to answer the prayers of HIS people. This man waited and waited patiently for the LORD to answer until one day something happened that showed him GOD was not giving him what he so desperately wanted and had asked for. In reality, he felt he had asked for a fish but GOD gave him a snake.
When that happened the guy felt GOD had cheated him and let him down. If I am honest I must admit that when I asked for a fish, I thought HE gave me a snake. Later I learned differently and realized GOD knew what HE was doing but at that moment I thought HE had given me a scorpion,
Luke 11:10-13 says that if we who are far from perfect know how to give good things to our children, how much more will GOD give what is best for us.
No good thing will HE withhold from them who walk uprightly… So if you are walking with HIM and HE withholds something from you, you can be certain that is it not the best thing for you right now. Trust HIM!