My grandson Zack was at the family gathering today. He arrived with his prosthetics on but soon had them off so he could go play with 4 of my great grandchildren around his age that were there. Then when it was time to leave, we got his new feet back on him and he held 2 hands and slowly walked out to the car. But in the middle of the street Zachary stopped and released both hands and just stood there. I reached out for him (as I did to all my little ones taking their 1st steps) and told him to come to me. He started to come and then uncertain he stopped.
Zachary’s relearning to walk with his new feet is a process… one of learning balance and gaining confidence. But it will come and has begun! Praise the LORD!
This process is also something GOD is showing me about prayer.
Have you ever prayed for something, but instead of getting what you asked for all hell seemed to break loose?
Yes, I know there is spiritual warfare going on but I also know GOD is Sovereign, and the enemy can only go as far as the LORD allows him to.
As I was praying this morning for many of the same ones I have been praying for over and over and over again (ones that GOD has given me definate words of promise for) I was directed back to Daniel 11:35 and then to my question a week and 1/2 ago. And GOD put it together with my praying for those this morning.
GOD spoke so plainly. It is not really anything new but all of a sudden it was so clear. HE showed me that when I pray, I am praying for an end result. But frequently there is a process to get there. Often that process includes struggles and falls...
Just as Zachary’s learning to walk. Zachary’s fears have held him back but slowly he is progressing to the goal… one step at a time.
For instance, before peace can come to Jerusalem certain things must take place.
In the same way, GOD told me years ago that before I see the fulfillment of HIS promise concerning specific individuals detailed things must take place.
Yet in the process of bringing us to the fulfillment of HIS promise, behind the scene GOD must work.
2 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen (in the situation), but on what is unseen (what GOD is achieving in the situation), since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen (what GOD is achieving for us through it) is eternal (will go on forever).
Therefore, the slips and struggles I or one I am praying for experience actually are the beginnings of receiving the answer I so desire to have.
Keeping that in mind, I can truly obey GOD’s command in I Thessalonians 5:18 “to give thanks for all things”.
Even when it seems all hell is breaking loose.
For I believe what GOD tells me, that the situation (perhaps full of troubling things) really is achieving (behind the scenes) eternal things far greater than struggles of today.
GOD is teaching me to pray. “Knowing that YOU are at work doing something only YOU are aware of, I bow to YOUR wisdom.. I cling to the promise YOU have given me and will not give YOU any rest until it is fulfilled but I will not fear or fume but I will stand back to see what YOU will do.”
Zachary’s relearning to walk with his new feet is a process… one of learning balance and gaining confidence. But it will come and has begun! Praise the LORD!
This process is also something GOD is showing me about prayer.
Have you ever prayed for something, but instead of getting what you asked for all hell seemed to break loose?
Yes, I know there is spiritual warfare going on but I also know GOD is Sovereign, and the enemy can only go as far as the LORD allows him to.
As I was praying this morning for many of the same ones I have been praying for over and over and over again (ones that GOD has given me definate words of promise for) I was directed back to Daniel 11:35 and then to my question a week and 1/2 ago. And GOD put it together with my praying for those this morning.
GOD spoke so plainly. It is not really anything new but all of a sudden it was so clear. HE showed me that when I pray, I am praying for an end result. But frequently there is a process to get there. Often that process includes struggles and falls...
Just as Zachary’s learning to walk. Zachary’s fears have held him back but slowly he is progressing to the goal… one step at a time.
For instance, before peace can come to Jerusalem certain things must take place.
In the same way, GOD told me years ago that before I see the fulfillment of HIS promise concerning specific individuals detailed things must take place.
Yet in the process of bringing us to the fulfillment of HIS promise, behind the scene GOD must work.
2 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen (in the situation), but on what is unseen (what GOD is achieving in the situation), since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen (what GOD is achieving for us through it) is eternal (will go on forever).
Therefore, the slips and struggles I or one I am praying for experience actually are the beginnings of receiving the answer I so desire to have.
Keeping that in mind, I can truly obey GOD’s command in I Thessalonians 5:18 “to give thanks for all things”.
Even when it seems all hell is breaking loose.
For I believe what GOD tells me, that the situation (perhaps full of troubling things) really is achieving (behind the scenes) eternal things far greater than struggles of today.
GOD is teaching me to pray. “Knowing that YOU are at work doing something only YOU are aware of, I bow to YOUR wisdom.. I cling to the promise YOU have given me and will not give YOU any rest until it is fulfilled but I will not fear or fume but I will stand back to see what YOU will do.”