Use to be when you lived out in the country it was safe and nobody would bother you. People didn't even bother locking the doors of their houses. But today that is not the case, even at the Y, if you don't have a lock they will now supply them. When there is a threat of something being stolen we must proactive or willing to lose what is taken.
Mark 4: 15Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown in their minds. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes at once and takes away the word that was sown in them.
That double mention of time here emphasizes that the devil doesn’t want the listeners to think about what they heard, he doesn’t want it to penetrate down where it might germinate. Distraction is one of the enemies basic tool at the times when the enemy steals from them the word sown their minds.
On the surface, I seem to disprove this verse. For many years after being in my grandmother’s home different words she’d sown in me, by reading a Bible verse before we ate, would came up from wherever it was hidden inside me to guide me just when I needed it.
I believe the reason is because my grandmother and her friends prayed and prayed and prayed for me. Therefore, I believe that we can stand the gap for the ones we or others give the WORD. We can pray specifically that the WORD sown will be kept safe from the enemy and that GOD somehow soften the hard ground so it can germinate and grow.
One way we personally can avoid having the WORD stolen from us;
Mark 4:9And JESUS said, “He who wants to hear, let him be listening [consider carefully what is being said) and he will understand.”
Mark 4: 24"Consider carefully what you hear," HE continued. "With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more. 25Whoever has (understanding) will be given more; whoever does not have (understanding), even what he has (thinks or seems to have Luke 8:18) will be taken from him."
The 7th piece of the armor of GOD Ephesians 6:18- Prayer and being alert is necessary even when listening to or speaking the Word of GOD.
So, let's be proactive and pray against the Word being stolen from us.
Mark 4: 15Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown in their minds. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes at once and takes away the word that was sown in them.
That double mention of time here emphasizes that the devil doesn’t want the listeners to think about what they heard, he doesn’t want it to penetrate down where it might germinate. Distraction is one of the enemies basic tool at the times when the enemy steals from them the word sown their minds.
On the surface, I seem to disprove this verse. For many years after being in my grandmother’s home different words she’d sown in me, by reading a Bible verse before we ate, would came up from wherever it was hidden inside me to guide me just when I needed it.
I believe the reason is because my grandmother and her friends prayed and prayed and prayed for me. Therefore, I believe that we can stand the gap for the ones we or others give the WORD. We can pray specifically that the WORD sown will be kept safe from the enemy and that GOD somehow soften the hard ground so it can germinate and grow.
One way we personally can avoid having the WORD stolen from us;
Mark 4:9And JESUS said, “He who wants to hear, let him be listening [consider carefully what is being said) and he will understand.”
Mark 4: 24"Consider carefully what you hear," HE continued. "With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more. 25Whoever has (understanding) will be given more; whoever does not have (understanding), even what he has (thinks or seems to have Luke 8:18) will be taken from him."
The 7th piece of the armor of GOD Ephesians 6:18- Prayer and being alert is necessary even when listening to or speaking the Word of GOD.
So, let's be proactive and pray against the Word being stolen from us.
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