Just like road signs warn us about dangers ahead, so the LORD in HIS word warns us.
When my youngest son Johnny was a little guy we lived in a small place and to keep him happy yet out of thing I would put him in his walker. He loved being off the floor and scooting around. One day I was baking and he got near the oven so I warned him, “Hot, don’t touch!” A little while later I heard him scream… he had got his walker going and went directly to the stove. His poor little hand. But from then on he stayed away from the stove.
We who know JESUS as our Savior and LORD, want to please HIM. But I sometimes I get focused on me and somehow slip and think or do something I know is wrong.
A friend of mine recently slipped and participated in a sin from his old life. He confessed and turned back to the LORD and HIS ways but oh how conscious he now is of his own weakness in that area.
Walking yesterday, I thought of my friend and a verse came to mind.
Daniel 11:35 Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless …
Neat verse huh? shows the purpose behind GOD permitting the stumble...
What a marvelous GOD we have who actively conspires on our behalf and “uses all things (good and bad) together for an end result of good to us who love HIM and are the called according to HIS purpose… (that being) to conform us to the image of JESUS CHRIST…” Romans 8:28,29
JESUS warns us, just like I warned Johnny. HE said, “watch and pray lest you enter into temptation.” But if you fall don’t stay there. Get up and confess and GOD will use that to make you even stronger than before.
When my youngest son Johnny was a little guy we lived in a small place and to keep him happy yet out of thing I would put him in his walker. He loved being off the floor and scooting around. One day I was baking and he got near the oven so I warned him, “Hot, don’t touch!” A little while later I heard him scream… he had got his walker going and went directly to the stove. His poor little hand. But from then on he stayed away from the stove.
We who know JESUS as our Savior and LORD, want to please HIM. But I sometimes I get focused on me and somehow slip and think or do something I know is wrong.
A friend of mine recently slipped and participated in a sin from his old life. He confessed and turned back to the LORD and HIS ways but oh how conscious he now is of his own weakness in that area.
Walking yesterday, I thought of my friend and a verse came to mind.
Daniel 11:35 Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless …
Neat verse huh? shows the purpose behind GOD permitting the stumble...
What a marvelous GOD we have who actively conspires on our behalf and “uses all things (good and bad) together for an end result of good to us who love HIM and are the called according to HIS purpose… (that being) to conform us to the image of JESUS CHRIST…” Romans 8:28,29
JESUS warns us, just like I warned Johnny. HE said, “watch and pray lest you enter into temptation.” But if you fall don’t stay there. Get up and confess and GOD will use that to make you even stronger than before.
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