This morning I woke to a heaviness in the air and looking outside I saw layer upon layer of clouds, much gray and just a dab of blue here and there. Now I love to watch clouds. To me they are beautiful and I have at times laughed at the crazy shapes they take. My kids also were cloud watchers and would point up and say, “there is a rabbit,” “look at the bear lying down.” "wow! and elephant!"
Many years ago when I was in a time of grief and great distress I am confident that GOD deliberately formed the clouds in a specific shape to get my attention, to speak to me, to encourage and comfort me.
A comment not long ago took me back. I was actually shocked by it. For belatedly I learned that my husband has never shared my delight in clouds. He related that he doesn't see them as beautiful but that clouds make him think of storms. Just as in songs and literature you often find clouds used metaphorically referring to troubles.
But this morning as we walked, Mac spoke a little differently, for now even he is looking longingly to the clouds hoping for them to bring a drop of rain to cool us off and perhaps lift some of this oppressive pressure.
So a little while later, I smiled as certain phrases stuck out as I read in Jonah this morning.
Jonah was running from GOD and the assignment HE had given Jonah. Therefore GOD caused a bad storm (big trouble) to come against the ship Jonah was traveling to Tarshish on. Through that storm and Jonah’s confession, the whole pagan/ unbelieving crew learned to fear the LORD and each man made vow to Jonah’s GOD - Yahwey, the GOD of heaven who made the sea and dry land. (see Jonah 1)
Wow! Each pagan man on that boat feared GOD ( the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom) and made a vow to HIM. Now the Hebrew word for vow used in Jonah means to promise voluntarily to give or do something; the primary idea is that of setting apart, consecrating oneself.
1-So we see that GOD uses troubles to reveal HIMSELF to unbelievers. The purpose of that is so that man might reach out to HIM and be saved. Acts 17:26,27 This those pagans did.
2-We also see a little more what GOD is talking about (2Timothy 2:20,21) when HE says that HIS children choose if they are vessels of honor or dishonor.
Once we become HIS, HE uses us for HIS glory. But we can choose to be vessels of honor- like Joseph, or vessels of dishonor- like Jonah. Either way GOD will do HIS work and get the glory. But if our choices are wrong we ourselves will be humiliated.
Going on into chapter 2 we see that the storm GOD brought on the ship which caused the men under duress to throw Jonah into the sea put Jonah in a place (the fishes belly) where only GOD could help him. It took all of this to wake Jonah up to turn him back to GOD.
I am not bad mouthing Jonah here for I know where he was coming from. It took the death of one of my children to turn me back to GOD.
There in the belly of the fish, Jonah chose to call out to the LORD, and made a vow to HIM. Then the LORD GOD of hosts (even animals) caused the big fish to vomit Jonah onto the shore not far from where GOD had originally told Jonah to go. And so Jonah did what GOD had told him to do.
Wow! The storm brought Jonah to a place where he too feared the LORD greatly and he also made a vow to the LORD GOD. GOD uses troubles for believers as well as unbelievers. For believers we see HIM doing three things through troubles:
1-turning us back to HIMSELF
2-getting us to do the work HE has assigned to us.
3-revealing HIMSELF and thus getting glory.
When I consider how GOD uses troubles: to reveal HIMSELF, to do HIS work, to save unbelievers and correct and teach HIS children, I can really obey HIS word
I Thessalonians 5:18 to give thanks in all things for this is the will of GOD concerning you in Christ JESUS.
Let the clouds that come into your life remind you that GOD is working on your behalf in all things for an end result of good and that HE does nothing without a cause.
Love and hugs
Many years ago when I was in a time of grief and great distress I am confident that GOD deliberately formed the clouds in a specific shape to get my attention, to speak to me, to encourage and comfort me.
A comment not long ago took me back. I was actually shocked by it. For belatedly I learned that my husband has never shared my delight in clouds. He related that he doesn't see them as beautiful but that clouds make him think of storms. Just as in songs and literature you often find clouds used metaphorically referring to troubles.
But this morning as we walked, Mac spoke a little differently, for now even he is looking longingly to the clouds hoping for them to bring a drop of rain to cool us off and perhaps lift some of this oppressive pressure.
So a little while later, I smiled as certain phrases stuck out as I read in Jonah this morning.
Jonah was running from GOD and the assignment HE had given Jonah. Therefore GOD caused a bad storm (big trouble) to come against the ship Jonah was traveling to Tarshish on. Through that storm and Jonah’s confession, the whole pagan/ unbelieving crew learned to fear the LORD and each man made vow to Jonah’s GOD - Yahwey, the GOD of heaven who made the sea and dry land. (see Jonah 1)
Wow! Each pagan man on that boat feared GOD ( the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom) and made a vow to HIM. Now the Hebrew word for vow used in Jonah means to promise voluntarily to give or do something; the primary idea is that of setting apart, consecrating oneself.
1-So we see that GOD uses troubles to reveal HIMSELF to unbelievers. The purpose of that is so that man might reach out to HIM and be saved. Acts 17:26,27 This those pagans did.
2-We also see a little more what GOD is talking about (2Timothy 2:20,21) when HE says that HIS children choose if they are vessels of honor or dishonor.
Once we become HIS, HE uses us for HIS glory. But we can choose to be vessels of honor- like Joseph, or vessels of dishonor- like Jonah. Either way GOD will do HIS work and get the glory. But if our choices are wrong we ourselves will be humiliated.
Going on into chapter 2 we see that the storm GOD brought on the ship which caused the men under duress to throw Jonah into the sea put Jonah in a place (the fishes belly) where only GOD could help him. It took all of this to wake Jonah up to turn him back to GOD.
I am not bad mouthing Jonah here for I know where he was coming from. It took the death of one of my children to turn me back to GOD.
There in the belly of the fish, Jonah chose to call out to the LORD, and made a vow to HIM. Then the LORD GOD of hosts (even animals) caused the big fish to vomit Jonah onto the shore not far from where GOD had originally told Jonah to go. And so Jonah did what GOD had told him to do.
Wow! The storm brought Jonah to a place where he too feared the LORD greatly and he also made a vow to the LORD GOD. GOD uses troubles for believers as well as unbelievers. For believers we see HIM doing three things through troubles:
1-turning us back to HIMSELF
2-getting us to do the work HE has assigned to us.
3-revealing HIMSELF and thus getting glory.
When I consider how GOD uses troubles: to reveal HIMSELF, to do HIS work, to save unbelievers and correct and teach HIS children, I can really obey HIS word
I Thessalonians 5:18 to give thanks in all things for this is the will of GOD concerning you in Christ JESUS.
Let the clouds that come into your life remind you that GOD is working on your behalf in all things for an end result of good and that HE does nothing without a cause.
Love and hugs
Thanks for sharing this! It was a real encouragement today. The clouds can signify so much! I love rainbows, they normally come after the storm and for me they symbolize God's promises to us. I am looking forward to the rainbow at the end of some of the storms I am in. (I love how you tied it all in.. not just the storms, but also the beauty of it all) Nice post!