Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ben and Jillian

It is amazing how GOD uses our pain and through it enables us to co labor with HIM and encourage others in a time of struggle and pain. As I have written updates on Zachary and how GOD is using his struggles and adventures to reminds us of HIS promises and teach us, many have responded. Two women who are very special friends shared how they have been encouraged and shared their immediate sturggle. One for a 2 week old baby cousin and another for an unborn granddaughter... both with very serious heart conditions. Please pray with me for them.

Elaine, wrote about her unborn granddaughter: After the appointment at Children's Friday, it was confirmed Jillian only has 3 chambers of her heart. The options are a heart transplant immediately after birth, a 3 stage surgery immediately after birth, 4-6 mo later, and about 3 years after. The 3rd is to do nothing. The kids have opted for the 3rd part surgery unless a heart is available when she is born. Special attention will be given to Nikki as she finishes her pregnancy. It's good to know this up front so plans can be in place but difficult to know their baby is not perfectly healthy.

Mid, shared about her cousin, Rachael and Thomas Kauffman who have a 2 week old son who has 4 defects in his heart. He is Benjamin Thomas Kauffman. Doctors deem Ben is stable enough that they are going to do the 1st of 2 open heart surgeries on Tuesday (Sept. 14th), LORD willing, with an expected 2-4 weeks recovery time. The 2nd surgery will be when he is 6 months old- the end of February or early March. Nurses keep talking about how much attitude he has. His dad, Thomas, is not saved and they don't have any insurance and Thomas's job doesn't bring in a lot and they bumped Rachael down on her job because of missed time during her pregnancy, in fact she may no longer have a job. Please pray for Thomas's salvation, for Ben's healing and for Rachael's strength and peace of mind and provision.

Thank you all for your prayers...
Sharon Manning

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