Wednesday, December 31, 2014

for such a time as this

Today is the last day of 2014.  When the clock strikes midnight we enter into 2015?  What lies ahead?

We know GOD has preset all times and places for things to happen Acts 17:26b, Acts 1:7 and that HE did it for a reason Acts 17:27.  That reason being  that people would reach out to HIM.   With that in mind, why do you suppose HE chose the particular time for JESUS to be born?

When the fullness of the time had come, GOD sent forth HIS SON.  Galatians 4:4

What could be the reason the timing of JESUS’ birth is referred to as the fullness of time by GOD?

History shows us that centuries before JESUS CHRIST was born, Alexander the Great conquered most of the known world, bringing with him the Greek culture and trade language.  When he died, the Roman Empire picked up where Alexander left off and expanded the territory under the unifying influence of culture and the trade language of the Greeks.  It was under this Roman rule that the crucifixion took place, where the blood of CHRIST was shed for us.   It was under the rule of Rome that conditions were made ready for the spread of the gospel across 3 continents through good roads, territorial boundaries free of “passport” restrictions and a unifying trade language-Koine Greek.  GOD had put all the pieces in place for the perfect time to send HIS SON.

Today, like back then GOD has synchronized everything and has prepared in advance good works for us believers in JESUS to walk in.  Ephesians 2:10 Anyone who sees or hears the news knows, we live in a time of quickly expanding knowledge, but also an unstable and turbulent time with mobs and rioting in US cities, trashing of GOD’s moral values and unrestrained degrading self indulgence.  Yet GOD has chosen you and me to live in this time and place.  HE has done it for a reason.  I know that for a fact, because HE has said that HE does nothing without a cause.  Therefore,  I wonder as we enter into the New Year of 2015 for what specific assignments has HE brought us to where we are, at such a time as this?

I don’t know the details, but I do know without a doubt it is to cause lost people to reach out to HIM and be saved,  for the GOD who cannot lie has declared that HE has set all times and places for that very purpose.


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