Sunday, December 14, 2014

Push away

When you were little was there ever a food you could not stand and if someone put it before you- you wanted to push it away?  Today I want to share with you concerning pushing away.

Believers in JESUS have eternal forgiveness of sin, yet during time on earth believers still sin.   Therefore they will have in time, on the earth consequences for those actions.  On the other hand, if we believers judge ourselves and confess any wrong we detect we will be cleansed.  I John 1:9 & I Corinthians 11:31 we will in this way avoid GOD’s in time, on earth discipline (which is only for believers and has to do with consequences and growth.) Hebrews 12:5-8, Since the eternal punishment for sin was paid for on the cross, and gained access to through believing in JESUS the SON of GOD, believers will not be condemned with the world. I Corinthians 11:31,32 

Note: sin gives the devil/demons legal authority to harass us.  When JESUS carried our sins & died for them on the cross HE disarmed the demons. Colossians 2:14-15 But when we choose to sin, we invite the demons back & they get footholds in our lives.

Recently, we talked about this: how the devil gets a foothold in believers lives through sin. Ephesians 4:26,27   I would like to take it a bit further and there is an exciting verse in I John 5 that I want to discuss with you but before I can go there,  a few things need to be reviewed.  GOD says we learn, line upon line, precept upon precept…  So 1st a few lines.

JESUS CHRIST didn’t teach his disciples on HIS own. It is more than JESUS did not speak HIS own words. John 14:10. In Acts 1 we learn that JESUS, while still on earth, taught HIS disciples through the Holy SPIRIT. I Corinthians 2:10-14, John14:26  That means the Holy SPIRIT took what JESUS said and translated it, explaining its meaning. Paul followed JESUS’ example and depended on the Holy SPIRIT when he spoke or acted. I Corinthians 2:4,5   It is what is happening when someone speaks or we read the Bible and a verse or even just a phrase jumps out at us and we clearly understand something we never quite could grasp before.

We only understand the things of GOD as the Holy SPIRIT teaches us.  HIS witness both through illumination in our minds or miracles is clearly understood by us humans, because HE makes it plain to each of us.  That is why we need to heed the inner nudging. But being we have free choice, we can push away truth (refusing to accept it… just as Eve did in the garden) Romans 1:18-22.

There is one truth above all others that must be believed.  Since one of the Holy SPIRIT’s main roles on earth is to show men JESUS, to convict unbelieving men of sin, of righteousness and of judgment.  I believe that to refuse to believe JESUS was sent from heaven to reconcile man to GOD is blaspheming the Holy SPIRIT.

The pushing away truth or suppressing it is also referred to as- not receiving the love of the truth ( This sin eventually if continued in, such pushing away of truth, results in GOD handing over a person to his own deceptions Romans 1:24,26,28,32, to the point that GOD HIMSELF gives them strong delusion that they will believe the lie because they refused to love the truth and thus be saved. 2Thessalonians 2:10-12 This is the one and only eternal or unforgivable sin called blaspheme of the Holy SPIRIT Mark 3:28,29 (because they say HIS witness is a lie and not truth.)

JESUS taught on the eternal unforgivable sin when the religious leaders said HE operated by the power of demons. Mark 3:22-29  We might not say, the uneasiness concerning an issue that we feel are demonic,  but how often have you or I pushed away a small voice of correction- saying “that is not so”?

I clearly remember reading a verse about a mule and feeling a nudging… I understood it to be talking about stubbornness, but I said, I am not stubbornBut my husband is, so GOD must want me to pray for his stubbornnessI pushed away the truth. But GOD is merciful and eventually I did see and accept the truth about my own stubbornness.

There is one truth above all others that must be believed.  Pushing away that truth leads to condemnation,2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 and 2:10-12

****Now finally, I John 5:16  If anyone sees his brother (another believer) committing a sin, not unto death, he shall ask and GOD will give him (Zoan) deliverance/ life/ spiritual insight  to the one sinning not unto death. (the sin of rejecting the Holy SPIRIT’s witness John 16:7-11 of the truth that JESUS was sent by GOD the FATHER to die for the sins of mankind- John 8:24) There is a sin unto death, I do not say you can ask concerning it.  This is saying that we can pray for the sins of others and GOD will give them spiritual insight, but each person must choose to either accept or reject JESUS on their own.  We can’t do it for them.

2 Timothy 2:24-26 And the slave of the LORD must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, in meekness (acknowledging- there goes I except for the grace of GOD therefore with gentleness) instructing those opposing (the truth and thus themselves),  If perhaps GOD may give them repentance for a full knowledge of the truth  And they may return (come) to their senses, (and choose) to escape out of the snare of the devil having been held captive (he who sins is a slave to sin  John 8:34)  by the devil to do his will.

When I see someone sinning the 1st thing I am to do is examine myself lest I fall….for Romans 2:1 says that the very sins I see in others are, in me (like my stubbornness) perhaps I have already dealt with a similar temptation so it is in me in dormant or held remission in by the grace of GOD.  The 2nd thing is to pray to GOD for the ones sinning, standing the gap and confessing his sin so that GOD will give them light/ spiritual insight in that area and HE promises that HE will do that very thing.

Warning, we can confess and receive for others spiritual insight but the moment they choose to sin, the demons gain authority to deceive them again.  Sometimes that means we have to keep praying over and over and over.  It isn’t GOD hasn’t answered but that HE must do it time and time again until that one, (like me in my stubbornness) grabs hold of the truth.

Remember JESUS promised:  If we are willing to do HIS will we shall know if what is said comes from GOD or is of another.  John 7:17  And GOD cannot lie!


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