Saturday, December 27, 2014

which way?

What do you think of when I say the word sign?  For me a specific billboard between Pueblo and Colorado Springs comes to mind.  But signs can be big or small... even street numbers and which of us have not looked diligently at house or business  numbers to find a place we have never been to before?  Signs are any kind of visual graphic created to display information to a particular audience but typically a sign's purpose is to show the way to a particular thing and confirm it is.
As we are about to enter a New Year, we may wonder what direction we should go.  Now what I am going to say is only for those who want to fulfill GOD's purpose for them and are willing to do things HIS way. For only those willing to do what GOD wants are guaranteed access to HIS direction John 7:17 and such promises as:
   Proverbs 3:5-7 in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your paths.  Be not wise in your own eyes...
   James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of GOD who give to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.  But when he asks he must believe...(believe what?  Believe GOD is and that HE will reward any who diligently seek HIM Hebrews 11:6... in other words... you must believe that GOD can and will direct you and remember HE is powerful and can and will keep the devil from deceiving us if we are seeking HIS counsel.)
You might think I am close minded but GOD said that not me and others (those not willing to do things GOD's way) are like Alice in Wonderland when she asked the Cheshire cat "Will you please tell me which way I ought to go from here?" the cat answered, "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to." Alice replied, " I don't much mind where..."  "Then it doesn't matter which way you go."  said the cat.
But GOD does care where we get to and GOD is big into signs because HE wants us to know the way we are to go.  HE gives signs to confirm what HE has already told us (placed in our hearts to do).
   In Genesis you read that GOD made the sun, the moon and the stars for a few reasons.  One of those reasons were to be signs...  Just think about it... sailors long before modern day instruments, navigated (found their direction) strictly by looking at the stars.  And the wise men found JESUS by following the star. Although we are not given the details, someone had to place in their hearts that strange idea to follow that remarkable star for normal stars follow an orbit... they don't lead to and stand over a specific stable. Matthew 2:9
   When the angel spoke to the shepherds concerning the Savior who was born that very night, he gave them a confirming sign... and this shall be a sign, you will find a baby wrapped and lying in a manager... Luke 2:9
GOD says in Deuteronomy 30:11-14 that HE doesn't hide the way we should go from us, nor is it too far away, nor do we need to ask others to go find it for us for HE has placed it in us. (those nudges, that knowing I should do this or that) 
GOD says the same thing in the New Testament in Philippians 2:13  Amp(It is not your own strength) it is GOD Who is all the while effectually at work in you--energizing and creating in you the desire and power both to will (want) and to work (enable) you to do HIS good pleasure. (to find the way we should go)
If you are wondering if you should go this way or that, or wonder if you have taken a wrong turn it is OK to ask GOD to confirm the way you should go.  GOD promises that HE will point out the right way by whispering it in our ears if we are to turn to the left hand or to the right.  Isaiah 30:21 Look what HE told a king:  if you will not believe, you will not stand... so ask the LORD your GOD for a sign... Isaiah 7:9,10
Remember, our LORD JESUS gave his disciple Thomas the sign he asked for John 20:26,28 and also gave all HIS disciples many other signs.  John:20:30  Why?  GOD knows us and knows we need the encouragement of confirmation to keep us on tract so that we will go in the way we should go.
Aren't you glad we have a Savior who has been there and is now leading us in the way we should go? Hebrews 2:10  so let's fix our eyes on HIM Hebrews 12:1-3 and following HIS directions.

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