Saturday, January 24, 2015

we gotta put the pieces together

jigsaw puzzle is a tiling puzzle that requires the assembly of, often oddly shaped, interlocking and similarly but not identical shaped pieces. Some pieces look like they will fit but they don't. Each piece must fit perfectly, not jammed in. Each piece usually has a small part of a picture on it; when complete, a jigsaw puzzle produces a complete picture that show many individual things.  In the one Mac got for Christmas there was a lighthouse, other houses, rocks, a rambling fence, grass, stones, water, clouds and more.
While talking with the LORD concerning a the son of a friend- who blames GOD for his illness and consequently has turned away from GOD, a picture of a zigsaw puzzle came to mind. And I was impressed with the realization that he (lets call him Mr. D) didn't have all the pieces and therefore couldn't see the picture clearly.
The Bible is like a big jigsaw puzzle and when you pour out all the pieces on the table nothing much makes sense.  But you search for pieces that have 1 straight side and use them to make the outline of the puzzle.  Then you gather similarly colored pieces together for the smaller pictures within the larger picture.  Over and over you go to the box the puzzle came in and look at what the picture is suppose to look like when completed in order to get your bearings/ perspective. The picture becomes clearer and clearer as each piece is put into place. Although at times it is work, when I see a piece that clearly fits it is exciting!   That is why I share with you. 
The Bible speaks on many, many issues; they are the little pictures in the big picture (GOD's eternal plan).  And as when gathering the pieces for the rambling fence  all through the pile of pieces so gathering the facts concerning a Bible truth can come from all through the Bible.  Some pieces are hard to find, but when they are joined together the picture becomes clear.
That man,Mr. D, hasn't found all the pieces in the puzzle concerning GOD and sickness.  Neither have I, but I must have found a few more for I see sickness and struggles from a totally different angle than he.
Lets look at some of the puzzle pieces about problems, I will number and make bold a few of the pieces I know about. There are a lot of pieces I have not found yet.
1-GOD made everything good Genesis 1:9,12, 18, 25,31
Now electricity is good, it is necessary but for a young child to stick a metal hairpin in an electrical outlet is BAD and a natural  consequence could mean death for the child.  So a wise parent will say, "don't touch!  If you touch it you will get hurt."
2-GOD told Adam and Eve they could eat of all the trees but one.  It was not for them to have for like something poison it would hurt them if they ate it
3-The serpent, the devil, lied to Eve and told her GOD was keeping something back... the devil tempted her to disregard what GOD said.
4--There are secret things.. and the secret things belong to GOD.  These are things we are not ready yet to know- they might even hurt us if we learned them too soon. Deuteronomy 29:29 
5-GOD gave mankind the ability to choose.  Joshua 24:14,15 Adam and Eve chose not to follow GOD's instructions, although HE clearly warned them something bad would happen.  And it did.  The consequences of deterioration and death began.  We cannot blame GOD for something we chose to do.
6-But our loving Eternal FATHER GOD did not leave us there in our consequences. HE killed an animal to clothe Adam and Eve and HE sent JESUS to die for us so HE could forgive our sin and clothe us with HIS righteousness and reconcile us to HIMSELF.BUT until JESUS comes back, there are consequences of  sickness and deterioration (cavities for instance) and death remain.  Miracles give us a foretaste or glimpse of what will be but until that day consequences remain.
7-Satan can bring troubles when GOD permits. Job 1 & 2
8-GOD is love. I John 4:7-10
9-GOD does nothing without a cause. Ezekiel 14:23
10-GOD brings/allows difficult things for our good, to benefit us. Hebrews 12:5-11
11-Sin gives the devil a foothold in our lives. Ephesians 4:26,27
12-But GOD turns what the devil meant for evil and uses it for good to bless both us and others. Genesis 50:20
13-Problems give GOD an opportunity to show what HE is like and prepare us to work with HIM to save the lost .John 9:1-3 
14-GOD uses our momentary troubles to achieve eternal wonderful things that far outweigh the pain of today 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
15-GOD works everything together (like stirring the sugar and cream in the coffee) for an end result of good for those who love HIM...  Romans 8:28
16- another piece of the puzzle that excites and baffles me:  GOD knows all things since before HE made the world.  HE knows everything HE will ever do.  Acts 15:18 HE knows what we will say before we say it Psalm 139:4  HE knows how we will choose before we choose it. And I believe GOD devised HIS eternal plan in the counsels of heaven by utilizing all of HIS amazing wisdom and total knowledge (like how we will act in certain situations). I believe that because GOD is ONE... that is HE is unity.  HE is not made up of parts but each and every thing true of HIM compliments (works together with) every other things that is true of HIM.  HIS love and wrath work together.  HE loves us and wants what is best for us therefore HE hates sin and must eradicate it for it will harm us.  
    Because GOD knows all things past present and future HE can allow us free choice without
endangering  HIS plan. HE can genuinely offer something to us, desiring to give it because it is the best for us, even when HE knows it will be turned down. HIS knowledge of us is factored in HIS plans so when we choose to refuse something HE really offers us, HIS plan is still in effect and unchanging. By the way, just knowing whether we will choose an apple or a pear does not mean HE made us choose it.
When you put these puzzles pieces together with others (such as I Peter 1:6-7, James 1:2-4, Romans 8:18 , 2 Corinthians 1:4,7) we get a glimpse of why there is suffering and what it accomplishes.  But we don't have the full picture yet.. for we know in part... when JESUS comes we will see the full picture!
Finding a puzzle piece that fits is, fun but more wonderful is having the scriptures speak to us and be what we need to hear and see that ry moment.  So get in the word, my friends, and gather the pieces.. little by little the picture gets clearer.
Will you pray with me for Mr. D to find more of the pieces and be drawn back to GOD 2 Timothy 2:25,26?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Today I read an email from a gal listing trouble upon trouble.  Will you pray with me for her?
LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, nothing is too hard for YOU, please encourage YOUR daughter.  LORD, I confess that it is too easy for us humans to look at our troubles instead of YOUR promises. Forgive us. GOD of all comfort, Comfort this one as YOU have comforted me when I believed I must have been a bad mom and blamed myself for what my kids were doing;  I remember how clearly YOU said, "look at MY kids.  Does that make ME a bad DAD?"
GOD  all hope fill this one with all joy and peace in believing in YOU, that she may overflow in hope by the power of the Holy SPIRIT according to YOUR word in Romans 15:13   If we focus on her situation and her temporary problems it is more than any can endure but YOU say, don't focus on your problems but 
1: focus on JESUS the author and perfecter of our faith and consider what HE endured and how HE overcame Hebrews 12:2-4 
2: focus on the reality that I (the Sovereign, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY am achieving for you through them.  2 Corinthians 4:15-18
YOUR ways are not ours for YOU tell us 
1:to rejoice when we face trials of many kinds for they are developing endurance in us James 1:2-4
2:YOU say that we are to greatly rejoice, though now for a little while we may have  to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  These have come so that our faith, which is of greater value than gold. may be proved genuine and may result in praise,glory and honor when JESUS CHRIST is revealed.  Though we have not seen HIM, we love HIM; and even though we do not see HIM now, we believe in HIM  I Peter 1:6-8
But that is so hard LORD, help!  Hebrews 4:14-16  LORD GOD we come before YOU wanting to do YOUR will as stated in YOUR word so we claim YOUR promise. Help us to give thanks in all things according to YOUR command in I Thessalonians 5:18 for YOU promise in I Thessalonians 5:24 that YOU will do it for us if we ask.We come in the name of JESUS, asking YOU to help this lady as YOU helped me.
How well I remember how black the world seemed to be and how YOUR promises seemed to mock me and declare that YOU lied. I had to quote aloud many times that YOU were not a man that YOU would lie or change YOUR mind. Numbers 23:19  But through it all YOU taught me that YOU are there and will work all things together for an end result of good for us who love YOU.  Romans 8:28 
How I rejoiced when some of that comfort YOU gave me during awful periods of pain and struggles, things far beyond my ability to endure overflowed by enabling me to comfort and lead another to YOU.  I still feel that incredible joy when I think of it or when my pain bring understanding that helps another.  Thank YOU for the promise that if I suffer I will be given opportunities to comfort others that are suffering.  I Praise YOUR holy name.  2 Corinthians 1:4,7
Thank YOU LORD for loving us and listening to us and for all that YOU are and will do for this hurting lady. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

plans fall apart

I know the plans I have for you says the LORD, plans to help you not to hurt you to give you  a future and a hope.  Jeremiah 29:11
When those struggles and crisis come at us from every direction; one right after another and we are just trying to catch our breath... GOD is there with us.  It has been like that for us Mannings many, many times these last couple of years.  But GOD says that those very momentary struggles HE is using to achieve for us everlasting wonders.  Therefore we can and should Give thanks for all things..."  2 Corinthians 4:17,18/ I Thessalonians 5:18
Almighty GOD, our FATHER, thank YOU for sending JESUS.  Just because I believe that HE died for my sins on the cross and trust the effectiveness of that, YOU have made me righteous in YOUR sight.  Romans 3:21-23  That blows me away!  Such love fills me with wonder and has taught me to love YOU.  Because I love YOU I want to please YOU by doing what you want, what YOU tell me to do in YOUR word. YOU knew that would happen, didn't YOU.
Thank YOU JESUS for living and suffering being tempted and bearing our sins on the cross so that we could be forgiven and reconciled to GOD. I can't imagine YOUR pain and am in awe at YOUR faithfulness and love.
Thank YOU our Heavenly FATHER for YOUR plans for each one who believes in JESUS CHRIST YOUR SON.  It is so amazing how YOU use all things in our lives, the good, the bad and the ugly and stir them all together like one mixing up a cake for dinner. Romans 8:28 I can see it in all that has happened this week.
Thank YOU for giving every believer the HOLY SPIRIT. YOU knew how much we need HIM.
Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT for the gifts YOU give each of us who believe and trust in JESUS.  Enable us  to be instruments, bringing YOUR love and provision to those in need that you put in our path... everywhere, even at the memorial service or greeting that friend at church.  It is fun to see YOUR leading me when those opportunities to reach out pop up.
Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT for being so patient with me, and for teaching and leading me  with those Bible verses as I sat and read.  I need YOU to lead me for I just don't know which way to go for I don't know YOUR plans.  But I do know YOU know the way. Thank YOU for encouraging me through YOUR Word when I messed up.  I am resting in YOU and waiting for YOUR direction.  Have YOUR way LORD

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

oops, I was wrong

Have you ever gone to make a turn and all of a sudden you see a car you hadn't seen a moment before?  That happened to me recently and I wondered, why didn't I see it?
The same thing happened to me in the Word of GOD.  I checked Genesis 1 for something someone said and I didn't see it.  I really did look and I missed it completely.  Then I made the statement in a devotion that  GOD delegated authority to man over the birds of the air, the fish of the sea and beast and creeping things but not over the earth ....
I was wrong... in Genesis 1:26 when the GODHEAD is conversing over man... GOD did say that.  I am so thankful to my friend who confronted me about it and sent me back to look.  May GOD richly reward her faithfulness both to HIM and to me!  Thanks, Sandra Higley.
I am not sure what it means or implies that GOD gave man rule over the earth but I do know I was wrong so I had to tell you and to correct what I said.

Friday, January 9, 2015

the water is great, come on in

I love the washing of the water of the Word. Ephesians 5:25,26

There has been a wonderful loving outpouring of encouragement sent to me from you my readers, concerning my last message: Pray before you eat.  Thank you!  But to GOD be the glory.  GOD is good!  I am rejoicing in GOD being ALMIGHTY and praising GOD for giving the Holy SPIRIT to teach, correct and guide me.       

As one dear brother pointed out: You experienced first hand what is written: In the last days the deception will be so great, that if possible, even the elect would be deceived.  Matthew 24:24

What was presented by that dazzling speaker was the concept that GOD not ALMIGHTY in that HE could not act unless we pray.  That gives us power equal to GOD's since we limit and enable GOD through our actions.  Typical devil mentality. 

However, I can not take the credit for catching the err or choosing truth over err.  It was the Holy SPIRIT's faithfulness in making me uneasy and continually pointing the ALMIGHTY power and intimacy of GOD through the word of GOD that showed me the truth.  How I love the washing of the water of the word!  Please pray, some leaders the LORD has me interacting with have been totally taken in with the concept this man presented (although they got it from another "prophet" actually out of a book about prayer)  they are teaching  it to some young in the faith.  Let us pray that the Holy SPIRIT will do for them what HE did for me... bring me to my senses so that I would see and acknowledge the truth and escape the snare of the evil one.  2 Timothy 2:25,26  and I John 5:16

The washing of the water of the word, cleanses us so be not conformed to this world but be transformed (metamorphosis -- you know from a caterpillar to a butterfly) by the renewing of your mind.  Romans 12:2    

So jump in, the water is great! 


Thursday, January 8, 2015

pray before you eat

Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of GOD.  Matthew 4:4   A few times in the Bible men were told to eat scrolls and then speak out those words to others.  It is a picture of taking truth in for ourselves and then sharing it out with others.  GOD has taken me through this with this message.   Make sure when you listen to men preach the Word of GOD, that it really is the Word of GOD.  One way to protects yourself is to pray that GOD show you the truth and protect you from lies.

Let us think about delegated authority for a moment.  Let’s say the President chose you as ambassador to Timbuktu.  You have the authority to act for your country.  But if you do something wrong, the President can recall you and override your authority.  It is a simple principle: The top authority delegates authority to someone he chooses but he maintains authority over that one.

I heard a remarkable speaker and he bedazzled me.  His message was excellent and contained some great scriptural points that I had never seen from that angle before, but were definitely in scripture.  But something wasn’t right. I was jolted  with the statement that GOD tied HIS own hands when HE gave man authority to rule over earth.  The reasoning went, since GOD delegated authority over the earth to man  that HE, the MOST HIGH, cannot interfere into the affairs of man without man asking HIM to and thus the reason for prayer.  The speaker said when GOD says something it become a decree or law that cannot be changed.  (Sort of like the law of the Medes and Persians  Daniel 6:15)  That sounded good and answered a lot of questions…. Or did it?

My  uneasiness remained and I sent the message to a couple of mature believers hoping for some input.  But both of them were as bedazzled as I.  But my uneasiness remained.  So I kept praying as to why I had no peace about it.  As I prayed, things became clearer and clearer.  Every single day and sometimes several times as I read the Word of GOD, I saw verses of GOD promising deliverance or intervening in the lives of people.  How could HIS hands be tied?

Under the old covenant, if GOD announced to uproot a city or people and they repented, HE would turn from the evil HE had intended…  Jeremiah 18:7,8 (think of Nineveh Jonah 4:2) and the opposite is true… if GOD proclaimed to do good to a people and the people turned and did bad then GOD would not do good to them. Jeremiah 18:9 This is because under the old covenant it was works that mattered.  The law of rules was a school teacher showing us that we could not measure up and so leading us to CHRIST.  Galatians 3:24 Incidentally, it also showed that GOD was free to change HIS actions if the people involved didn’t act as HE desired.  (so we see GOD does not limit HIMSELF as the law of the Medes and Persians did their leaders.)

GOD’s Word has been settled in heaven forever…Psalm 119:90  That means GOD’s  words in Jeremiah were established before the Creation of heaven and earth… before HE delegated authority to men. 

GOD delegates authority and HE can take it away.  The MOST HIGH rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomsoever HE will..  HE does according to HIS will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay HIS hand or say to HIM, What are you doing?  Daniel 4:17,35        

#1 Being the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, the Creator and source of all things, the ultimate Authority, HE had every right to delegate ruling authority without giving up HIS ultimate authority.   I Corinthians 11:3 But I want you to understand that CHRIST is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and GOD is the head of CHRIST.   GOD the FATHER maintains ultimate authority over man.

#2 GOD delegated authority to man over the birds of the air, the fish of the sea and beast and creeping things but not over the earth or even over man.  Check out Genesis 1:24,28  Man was told to subdue the earth but was not given dominion over it.
I do not know if that teacher that bedazzled me knew he was teaching error.  That charismatic teacher spoke well and used much truth in HIS message.  But there were lies in it also.  Lies that were uncovered as his words were compared to the Word of GOD.   The Holy SPIRIT gave me no peace and constantly reminded me of  the put down of GOD’s power.  One of the devil’s tactics is to accuse GOD, and make HIM seem less than the ALL wise, ALMIGHTY Sovereign that HE is.
False teaching is abounding today, increasingly so.  Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from GOD, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.  I John 4:1

Make sure when you listen to men preach the Word of GOD, that it really is the Word of GOD.  One way to protects yourself is to pray that GOD show you the truth and protect you from lies.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A simple way to look at it

What we mean when we say a certain word may not be what another means when they say it.  Therefore it is good to learn the speaker's definition of the word before drawing conclusions about what he is saying.  As I read this morning in the Word the phrase:  The testimony of JESUS is the spirit of prophesy  Revelation 19:10  came to mind.  I would like to show you the way the Bible uses the word testimony and prophesy.  It may be a little different perspective for some of you.
The word for testimony is in Greek- martyria and It means evidence, reputation, witness.  It is where we get the word Martyr... They become martyrs because of their witness/ testimony concerning JESUS.
The word prophesy means an inspired message.. or to speak forth a word GOD gives you.  Sometimes it is a word encouraging others to obey GOD other times it is a word proclaiming the future as a warning to preparedness and continued obedience to GOD.
The Old Testament is sometimes called the Testimony. Exodus 25:21 It testified/ witnessed to what GOD did and it testified of JESUS in its prophesies. In John 5:39 JESUS tells people to search the Scriptures for they testify of ME... 
When one is said to have the testimony of JESUS Revelations 1:9,  it means they testify/ tell what JESUS did for them and what HE can do for others. That witness should include HIS credentials (declaring HIM the SON of GOD.)  For HIS credentials are what qualified JESUS CHRIST to be savior of the world.  The testimony of JESUS is confirmed in us as we grow in grace and the knowledge of JESUS I Corinthians 1:5,6.  The changes in us testify to the fact that JESUS CHRIST is the SON of GOD and saves (delivers) us from our sins.
We are told that we overcome the evil one by the blood of the Lamb (JESUS) and the word of our testimony.  Revelation 12:11.  When we tell others about JESUS and what HE did, we are prophesying for we are proclaiming GOD eternal message.
Most of what I share with others are things GOD emphasizes to me as I read HIS word, or when the word is spoken by another.  It is HIS word so it is a message from GOD.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

a broken record

Today you can listen to music in many ways and many people don't even know about the circular phonograph records, originally called gramophone records, that we use to listen to our favorite music by way back when. We would buy singles (a 7 inch  wide whole vinyl 45 rpm record) of our favorite hit song and listen to them over and over.   Sometimes the records would get scratched and when the needle would hit the scratch it would slide back and replay and this would occur over and over and over.  Therefore, you had to throw away a broken record for no longer would it play the full song.  It seems like the LORD has me on the same theme over and over and so in a way I feel like a broken (scratched) record.   But since GOD does nothing without a cause, I guess there is a reason                         
Tonight I was just relaxing reading the Word and talking with our LORD.  I asked HIM a question and went back to reading when the light came on, HE answered my question and I knew I had to share the verse I was reading.
Matthew 7:21-23  Not everyone who says to ME, LORD, LORD, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of MY FATHER who is in heaven Many will say to ME in that day, LORD, LORD have we not prophesied in YOUR name?  and in YOUR name cast out demons and in YOUR name performed many miracles? and then I will declare unto them, " I never knew you; depart from ME you who practice lawlessness."
What doing the will of GOD is explained by JESUS in John 6:28,29.  And they asked JESUS. " What must we do to work the works GOD?"  JESUS answered and said to them, "This is the work of GOD, that you believe in HIM, whom HE (GOD) sent."
Now what works were these people who called JESUS, LORD, LORD, doing?
   they were prophesying
   they were casting out demons
   they were performing many miracles
These were good things right?  So how come JESUS  (1) called them workers of lawlessness said, (2) "depart from ME I never knew you." 
#1-  My mind flew to Jeremiah 23:
Jeremiah 23:16  This is what the LORD ALMIGHTY says, Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you,... they speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD.
Jeremiah 23:21,22  I did not send these prophets but they have run with their message.  I did not speak to them yet they have prophesied.  But if they had stood in MY council, they would have proclaimed MY words to MY people and would have turned them from their evil ways and from their evil deeds....
Jeremiah 23:28-29  Let the prophet who has a dream tell his dream, but let the one who has MY word speak it faithfully.  For what has straw to do with grain? declares the LORD.  IS not MY word life fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?
In these days, as then there are many, many false prophets to 1 true one.  There are many prophesies given and we are not to despise them but to test them and as Jeremiah 23 makes clear... only when the prophet's word is verified in Scripture (GOD's word) is it to be listened.  Their words may sound good and have an outward appearance of effect... remember in Matthew 7 where those guys were prophesying, casting out demons and doing miracles?  But, it wasn't of GOD.
Doing things the way GOD has openly told us to do and recorded in the Bible will perform what GOD wants done.  GOD says in Isaiah 55:11  So is  MY word which goes out from MY mouth, it will not return empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
#2- but why did JESUS tell them to depart from HIM that HE never knew them.  They trusted in their own way and leaned on their own understanding and did not do the work required by GOD... to believe and depend on JESUS.  You cannot intimately know JESUS or become HIS until realize that you are helpless without JESUS.  HE came to save you and you must receive HIS outstretched hand to pull you from judgment. HE doesn't need your help...   He that has the SON has life, but he that rejects the SON (as the answer) will not see life, for GOD's wrath remains on him.
It seems like I am a scratched record, going back and playing the same thing over and over again.  But, I know GOD said to share this so I won't lean on my own understanding and just do as HE says. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

life is a test

I saw a Charlie Brown cartoon where Charlie Brown says that he stayed up at night wondering if life was a true or false test or a multiple choice until one night a voice came and said, We hate to tell you this but life is really a 1,000 word essay.  Those were demonic voices that Charlie Brown heard and they lied.  The Bible tells us that life is not a 1,000 word essay but rather a true or false test. A test to see who we choose to believe is telling the truth.. 

Do we believe  the words of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY... the GOD of truth or do we believe the persuasive, tantalizing, pleasure seeking voice of the devil who is the father of lies?  One way to know whose voice we are hearing,  is the content of the message. For instance does it allure (remember lures are to catch fish), entice, tempt, accuse, mock, cause division, demand my rights or contradict the WORD of GOD?  Those are ways of the devil not of GOD.  Although the devil  might use scripture in his message, he will twist it to deceive and turn us from the truth. Remember, he turns himself into an angel of light 2 Corinthians 11:14  pretending to offer truth but puts GOD's revealed way as lacking/ incomplete.

On the other hand what GOD says HE will do, HE tells the truth.  In Proverbs 3:5-7, John 7:17, James 1:5-8 we are told that if we go to HIM and humbly ask, willing to follow HIS instructions, HE will lead us in what to do. That does not mean we will understand the way HE is leading us (for HIS ways and thoughts are as high as the heavens above ours Isaiah 55:8-11 but always achieve what HE wants done.); but HE will lead us and keep us from being deceived by the lies of the devil in that situation.

NOTE: it is a daily, sometimes moment by moment coming to GOD for answers… it is not once for all.
The only thing that once for all is what JESUS accomplished for us on the Cross. Hebrews 10:10,12,14 NASB …We are sanctified  through the offering of the body of JESUS once for all….   But when HE had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, JESUS sat down at the right hand of GOD… because with one sacrifice HE has perfected for all time those who are being made holy. 

I have said some things that help us recognize the devil, now I want to mention 3 basic things true about GOD (of many) that you will find as you read through the Bible.

Truth is that which corresponds to reality.  Yahwey, the Maker of heaven and earth is the GOD of truth and cannot lie. Psalm 31:5, Titus 1:2  Therefore anything and everything HE says is true. HE is faithful to HIS word;  if HE wasn't we couldn't trust HIM.  GOD gives promises and then says over and over and over again.. I will not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of MY lips.  Ps 89::34, Numbers 23:19 Ezekiel 20:14b, 24:14, 36:36b  If it seems like HE has lied,  look deeper and ask the Holy SPIRIT.  For if it looks like GOD lied,  it is because we don't have all the facts. Somewhere in the Scriptures there is a fact that explains what HE has done. For when GOD says something HE will do it.

#2 is something difficult for us to comprehend, but nonetheless true of GOD. GOD knows all things past, present and future.  HE knows the end from the beginning and everything in between.  That means HE even knows what we are going to say and do before we say and do it. And HE knew all the things HE would ever do (that includes answers to prayer) from the beginning of the world Acts 15:18.  That is how HE could rest on that 1st 7th day from all HE had made. Genesis 1:2  HE had already decided what HE was going to do.  This is seen over and over in the history book of the Bible as GOD interacts with man.  I saw it again this morning as I read in Genesis. This  instance is seen with Abraham Genesis 18:19 when GOD says that HE knows how Abraham will teach his children therefore GOD acts in a certain way.  It is also seen in how GOD invites us to co-labor with HIM to reveal HIS nature to the principalities and powers (angels) Ephesians 3:10, Genesis 18:19-33  by placing HIS desires in our hearts Philippians 2:13, Deuteronomy 30: 11-14  That does NOT make us puppets for just knowing that someone will say or do something, does not make us responsible for their choice to say or do it.  GOD doesn’t take away our choices; what HE does do is plan according to them.  NOTE: if GOD did not know all things, something could come up to unsettle HIS plans. If that was the case we could not trust HIS promises.

The 3rd and last thing true about GOD I want to mention today is HIS total power.  GOD who created all things and has set up the standards and the laws of nature.  HE is Judge of all.  Yet, HE cannot be judged by any for all created beings are limited in knowledge and power. 

Yahwey… the Great I AM is the source of everything.  HE is the source of all power.  HE gives power to whom HE chooses and takes it away from whom HE chooses. Psalms 75:6,7, Daniel 4:17 No one has an ounce of power without GOD delegating limited power to him.  Never does one with limited delegated power have any power over the source of power-GOD.Romans 13:1 …HE (the Creator of heaven and earth) does according to HIS will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth and no one can ward off HIS hand or say to HIM, “What have YOU done.” Daniel 4:35  If anyone could keep HIM from doing something, that one is stronger than GOD
The LORD could not guarantee the end result if HE is wasn't in control.  If something we do can keep HIM for doing what HE says HE will do...HE cannot guarantee the end result.....  If HE cannot guarantee the end result,   we cannot trust that HE will come for us or give us eternal life free from sin and troubles.   (because if something we could do could stop HIM from achieving what HE wants done,  the battle was not won on the cross and  it waits to be seen who will win the war.)  To say of think that is blaspheme for that is calling GOD a liar!      

There are many questions  in this life and the grade point (rewards we earn) is determined in who we choose to follow in certain instances.  But the pass or fail is determined on just one question… Do you believe JESUS CHRIST is the Son of GOD and  died for your sins?  For you see, he who believes on the SON has everlasting life; but whoever rejects the SON will not see life, for GOD’s wrath remains on him John 3:36. (because he is still in his sins only faith in JESUS removes sin.)

Do you have the SON?  

Saturday, January 3, 2015

how can you tell truth from error?

When GOD specified that a king 1st job was to write out a copy of the Word of GOD ( it was a lot shorter back then) and to read it every day it was so that the king :(1st and formost)  would learn about the LORD his GOD; (2) so that he would do what GOD has instructed us to do; & (3) so that he wouldn't consider himself better than others. Deuteronomy 17:18-20
JESUS CHRIST made every believer a king & a priest .Revelation 1:6 KJ
The primary reason we are to read the Word of GOD, just like for the kings of Israel,  is so we can get to know GOD, what HE is like and how HE does things.  It is important that we think rightly about GOD or we will be worshipping a god of our own making.  GOD says in Psalm 50:21... you thought I was altogether like you, but I will rebuke you and accuse you to your face.   
By learning what the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY creator of heaven and earth is like we will learn what we, as HIS children, should be like and If we do this we will be able to spot what is true and what is false.  John 7:17 says if you are willing to do the will of GOD, you will know if something is from GOD or merely from men.  (see the condition GOD places on revelation? its a willingness to comply what GOD wants.)  GOD wants us to know HIM and reveals HIMSELF through several means Romans 1:18-20 and through HIS word and in these last days, through HIS SON. Hebrews 1:1-3
The Bible shows certain things to always be true of GOD and certain things always to be true about the devil.
Beginning in the garden, the devil always accuses GOD & tries to make GOD appear as lacking.  The devil lies and twists the truth and appears as one bringing great light/ new truth.  But in fact he only comes to kill, to steal and to destroy. John 10:10  The devil disguised himself and went to Eve in the Garden of Eden.  He came pretending to be one who knew the truth.  He came accusing GOD of keep back something that should be hers, things she could get only if she acted. Eve chose to believe satan instead of GOD & thereby she lost nearly everything including her 1st 2 sons Genesis 3,4
Since we are in the days when there are many false prophets for not every spirit is from GOD, we need to test what is being said by the word of GOD just like the Bereans did. Acts 17:11, I John 4:1 
While the devil pretends and lies, our GOD is up front/ transparent.  HE is the Great I AM-the self existent ONE who reveals HIMSELF; the source of everything. James 1:19 says HE is the FATHER of light and giver of every good and perfect gift. 
I will stop here for today but if the LORD is willing, I will go on to speak of things true of GOD.  Not because you don't know them, but because reviewing them brings great joy and direction.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


The headlines on AOL news # 1 story this morning was:  Flames Rip Through City in the Phillipines:  Firefighters battled a huge inferno:  A huge blaze believed to have been ignited by firecrackers razed nearly a thousand shanties and killed three people in a creek-side slum in the Philippine capital, one of more than a dozen fires across the country linked to raucous New Year's celebrations.

Wow! How do you and I respond to such news?  Do we point the finger at the irresponsible actions that caused the fire or do we pray for those affected?

Webster’s dictionary says: a response is something said or done in answer, reply or reaction. Responsibility is being obliged/ responsible/ answerable/ accountable.  Each of us are only responsible for our own actions. Both the firefighters and the fire starters responded to something.  The one acting on an impulse or suggestion and the other on an obligation/ duty to protect.  But they both responded.  You see from Eve on, Genesis 3:  on, all of human actions are responses to whom we choose to listen to.  Even me writing this… for when I saw in vibrant tones of the general lack of people to take responsibility and GOD bringing instances to me of my own lack of responsibility, my blaming another (pointing the finger), I felt a need/ nudged to share what HE showed me.

In the fire in the Philippines we see 3 kinds of responsibility:  #1 those responsible, by their actions, for causing the fire;  #2 the response of the firefighters to go put out the fire; # 3 our responsibility to GOD to pray for (1) the ones affected, (2) the ones fighting the fire and (3) the ones starting the fire.

Crazy as it sounds, before I turned on my computer this morning and saw those headlines, my thoughts were already on responsibility.  For first thing this morning, I began this new year in the book of beginnings- Genesis.  I was struck anew with the beginnings of sin by mankind.  What struck me was the total lack of taking responsibility for their own actions.  Sure they acted in response, but it was they who chose how to respond.  And so I stopped and starting praying over my prayer list, starting with myself, that each see our own responsibility for our actions, confess it and recognize our responsibility to do what GOD asks of us.  Two texts came to mind that I claimed as I prayed for myself and others..

       Isaiah 57:18-21 the Living Bible  18 I have seen what they do but I will heal them anyway.  I will lead them and comfort them, helping them to mourn and to confess their sins..19 peace to them….  20 but to those who still reject ME they are like the restless sea, which is never still, but always churns up mire and dirt.  21 There is no peace for them 

       I Thessalonians 5:24 Faithful is the ONE who calls you who will also do it.(when GOD asks us to act, HE enables us.) So you see, since we have all the support we will ever need, our responses are our own responsibility.

Are you?
Are you like countless others
Who try to place the blame
For who and what you are upon
what into your life came? 

I hesitate not to tell you
What I have come to see
The blame is squarely on the one
Who has become to be

For you alone chose how you’d meet
Whate’er came down your path
You chose the way that you’d react
And you are the aftermath./     Sharon

From the very beginning of this new year I am asking GOD to keep reminding me that I am responsible for my responses and to help me look to HIM as I pick up the responsibilities HE lays before me.

One responsibility GOD entrusts to each of us, is to pray for all men everywhere I Timothy 2:1.  Since I just got an update on Baby James that he has another fever and that they are taking cultures right now, I will stop and pray for him.  Will you join me?
