Saturday, January 24, 2015

we gotta put the pieces together

jigsaw puzzle is a tiling puzzle that requires the assembly of, often oddly shaped, interlocking and similarly but not identical shaped pieces. Some pieces look like they will fit but they don't. Each piece must fit perfectly, not jammed in. Each piece usually has a small part of a picture on it; when complete, a jigsaw puzzle produces a complete picture that show many individual things.  In the one Mac got for Christmas there was a lighthouse, other houses, rocks, a rambling fence, grass, stones, water, clouds and more.
While talking with the LORD concerning a the son of a friend- who blames GOD for his illness and consequently has turned away from GOD, a picture of a zigsaw puzzle came to mind. And I was impressed with the realization that he (lets call him Mr. D) didn't have all the pieces and therefore couldn't see the picture clearly.
The Bible is like a big jigsaw puzzle and when you pour out all the pieces on the table nothing much makes sense.  But you search for pieces that have 1 straight side and use them to make the outline of the puzzle.  Then you gather similarly colored pieces together for the smaller pictures within the larger picture.  Over and over you go to the box the puzzle came in and look at what the picture is suppose to look like when completed in order to get your bearings/ perspective. The picture becomes clearer and clearer as each piece is put into place. Although at times it is work, when I see a piece that clearly fits it is exciting!   That is why I share with you. 
The Bible speaks on many, many issues; they are the little pictures in the big picture (GOD's eternal plan).  And as when gathering the pieces for the rambling fence  all through the pile of pieces so gathering the facts concerning a Bible truth can come from all through the Bible.  Some pieces are hard to find, but when they are joined together the picture becomes clear.
That man,Mr. D, hasn't found all the pieces in the puzzle concerning GOD and sickness.  Neither have I, but I must have found a few more for I see sickness and struggles from a totally different angle than he.
Lets look at some of the puzzle pieces about problems, I will number and make bold a few of the pieces I know about. There are a lot of pieces I have not found yet.
1-GOD made everything good Genesis 1:9,12, 18, 25,31
Now electricity is good, it is necessary but for a young child to stick a metal hairpin in an electrical outlet is BAD and a natural  consequence could mean death for the child.  So a wise parent will say, "don't touch!  If you touch it you will get hurt."
2-GOD told Adam and Eve they could eat of all the trees but one.  It was not for them to have for like something poison it would hurt them if they ate it
3-The serpent, the devil, lied to Eve and told her GOD was keeping something back... the devil tempted her to disregard what GOD said.
4--There are secret things.. and the secret things belong to GOD.  These are things we are not ready yet to know- they might even hurt us if we learned them too soon. Deuteronomy 29:29 
5-GOD gave mankind the ability to choose.  Joshua 24:14,15 Adam and Eve chose not to follow GOD's instructions, although HE clearly warned them something bad would happen.  And it did.  The consequences of deterioration and death began.  We cannot blame GOD for something we chose to do.
6-But our loving Eternal FATHER GOD did not leave us there in our consequences. HE killed an animal to clothe Adam and Eve and HE sent JESUS to die for us so HE could forgive our sin and clothe us with HIS righteousness and reconcile us to HIMSELF.BUT until JESUS comes back, there are consequences of  sickness and deterioration (cavities for instance) and death remain.  Miracles give us a foretaste or glimpse of what will be but until that day consequences remain.
7-Satan can bring troubles when GOD permits. Job 1 & 2
8-GOD is love. I John 4:7-10
9-GOD does nothing without a cause. Ezekiel 14:23
10-GOD brings/allows difficult things for our good, to benefit us. Hebrews 12:5-11
11-Sin gives the devil a foothold in our lives. Ephesians 4:26,27
12-But GOD turns what the devil meant for evil and uses it for good to bless both us and others. Genesis 50:20
13-Problems give GOD an opportunity to show what HE is like and prepare us to work with HIM to save the lost .John 9:1-3 
14-GOD uses our momentary troubles to achieve eternal wonderful things that far outweigh the pain of today 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
15-GOD works everything together (like stirring the sugar and cream in the coffee) for an end result of good for those who love HIM...  Romans 8:28
16- another piece of the puzzle that excites and baffles me:  GOD knows all things since before HE made the world.  HE knows everything HE will ever do.  Acts 15:18 HE knows what we will say before we say it Psalm 139:4  HE knows how we will choose before we choose it. And I believe GOD devised HIS eternal plan in the counsels of heaven by utilizing all of HIS amazing wisdom and total knowledge (like how we will act in certain situations). I believe that because GOD is ONE... that is HE is unity.  HE is not made up of parts but each and every thing true of HIM compliments (works together with) every other things that is true of HIM.  HIS love and wrath work together.  HE loves us and wants what is best for us therefore HE hates sin and must eradicate it for it will harm us.  
    Because GOD knows all things past present and future HE can allow us free choice without
endangering  HIS plan. HE can genuinely offer something to us, desiring to give it because it is the best for us, even when HE knows it will be turned down. HIS knowledge of us is factored in HIS plans so when we choose to refuse something HE really offers us, HIS plan is still in effect and unchanging. By the way, just knowing whether we will choose an apple or a pear does not mean HE made us choose it.
When you put these puzzles pieces together with others (such as I Peter 1:6-7, James 1:2-4, Romans 8:18 , 2 Corinthians 1:4,7) we get a glimpse of why there is suffering and what it accomplishes.  But we don't have the full picture yet.. for we know in part... when JESUS comes we will see the full picture!
Finding a puzzle piece that fits is, fun but more wonderful is having the scriptures speak to us and be what we need to hear and see that ry moment.  So get in the word, my friends, and gather the pieces.. little by little the picture gets clearer.
Will you pray with me for Mr. D to find more of the pieces and be drawn back to GOD 2 Timothy 2:25,26?

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