Saturday, January 3, 2015

how can you tell truth from error?

When GOD specified that a king 1st job was to write out a copy of the Word of GOD ( it was a lot shorter back then) and to read it every day it was so that the king :(1st and formost)  would learn about the LORD his GOD; (2) so that he would do what GOD has instructed us to do; & (3) so that he wouldn't consider himself better than others. Deuteronomy 17:18-20
JESUS CHRIST made every believer a king & a priest .Revelation 1:6 KJ
The primary reason we are to read the Word of GOD, just like for the kings of Israel,  is so we can get to know GOD, what HE is like and how HE does things.  It is important that we think rightly about GOD or we will be worshipping a god of our own making.  GOD says in Psalm 50:21... you thought I was altogether like you, but I will rebuke you and accuse you to your face.   
By learning what the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY creator of heaven and earth is like we will learn what we, as HIS children, should be like and If we do this we will be able to spot what is true and what is false.  John 7:17 says if you are willing to do the will of GOD, you will know if something is from GOD or merely from men.  (see the condition GOD places on revelation? its a willingness to comply what GOD wants.)  GOD wants us to know HIM and reveals HIMSELF through several means Romans 1:18-20 and through HIS word and in these last days, through HIS SON. Hebrews 1:1-3
The Bible shows certain things to always be true of GOD and certain things always to be true about the devil.
Beginning in the garden, the devil always accuses GOD & tries to make GOD appear as lacking.  The devil lies and twists the truth and appears as one bringing great light/ new truth.  But in fact he only comes to kill, to steal and to destroy. John 10:10  The devil disguised himself and went to Eve in the Garden of Eden.  He came pretending to be one who knew the truth.  He came accusing GOD of keep back something that should be hers, things she could get only if she acted. Eve chose to believe satan instead of GOD & thereby she lost nearly everything including her 1st 2 sons Genesis 3,4
Since we are in the days when there are many false prophets for not every spirit is from GOD, we need to test what is being said by the word of GOD just like the Bereans did. Acts 17:11, I John 4:1 
While the devil pretends and lies, our GOD is up front/ transparent.  HE is the Great I AM-the self existent ONE who reveals HIMSELF; the source of everything. James 1:19 says HE is the FATHER of light and giver of every good and perfect gift. 
I will stop here for today but if the LORD is willing, I will go on to speak of things true of GOD.  Not because you don't know them, but because reviewing them brings great joy and direction.

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