Thursday, January 8, 2015

pray before you eat

Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of GOD.  Matthew 4:4   A few times in the Bible men were told to eat scrolls and then speak out those words to others.  It is a picture of taking truth in for ourselves and then sharing it out with others.  GOD has taken me through this with this message.   Make sure when you listen to men preach the Word of GOD, that it really is the Word of GOD.  One way to protects yourself is to pray that GOD show you the truth and protect you from lies.

Let us think about delegated authority for a moment.  Let’s say the President chose you as ambassador to Timbuktu.  You have the authority to act for your country.  But if you do something wrong, the President can recall you and override your authority.  It is a simple principle: The top authority delegates authority to someone he chooses but he maintains authority over that one.

I heard a remarkable speaker and he bedazzled me.  His message was excellent and contained some great scriptural points that I had never seen from that angle before, but were definitely in scripture.  But something wasn’t right. I was jolted  with the statement that GOD tied HIS own hands when HE gave man authority to rule over earth.  The reasoning went, since GOD delegated authority over the earth to man  that HE, the MOST HIGH, cannot interfere into the affairs of man without man asking HIM to and thus the reason for prayer.  The speaker said when GOD says something it become a decree or law that cannot be changed.  (Sort of like the law of the Medes and Persians  Daniel 6:15)  That sounded good and answered a lot of questions…. Or did it?

My  uneasiness remained and I sent the message to a couple of mature believers hoping for some input.  But both of them were as bedazzled as I.  But my uneasiness remained.  So I kept praying as to why I had no peace about it.  As I prayed, things became clearer and clearer.  Every single day and sometimes several times as I read the Word of GOD, I saw verses of GOD promising deliverance or intervening in the lives of people.  How could HIS hands be tied?

Under the old covenant, if GOD announced to uproot a city or people and they repented, HE would turn from the evil HE had intended…  Jeremiah 18:7,8 (think of Nineveh Jonah 4:2) and the opposite is true… if GOD proclaimed to do good to a people and the people turned and did bad then GOD would not do good to them. Jeremiah 18:9 This is because under the old covenant it was works that mattered.  The law of rules was a school teacher showing us that we could not measure up and so leading us to CHRIST.  Galatians 3:24 Incidentally, it also showed that GOD was free to change HIS actions if the people involved didn’t act as HE desired.  (so we see GOD does not limit HIMSELF as the law of the Medes and Persians did their leaders.)

GOD’s Word has been settled in heaven forever…Psalm 119:90  That means GOD’s  words in Jeremiah were established before the Creation of heaven and earth… before HE delegated authority to men. 

GOD delegates authority and HE can take it away.  The MOST HIGH rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomsoever HE will..  HE does according to HIS will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay HIS hand or say to HIM, What are you doing?  Daniel 4:17,35        

#1 Being the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, the Creator and source of all things, the ultimate Authority, HE had every right to delegate ruling authority without giving up HIS ultimate authority.   I Corinthians 11:3 But I want you to understand that CHRIST is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and GOD is the head of CHRIST.   GOD the FATHER maintains ultimate authority over man.

#2 GOD delegated authority to man over the birds of the air, the fish of the sea and beast and creeping things but not over the earth or even over man.  Check out Genesis 1:24,28  Man was told to subdue the earth but was not given dominion over it.
I do not know if that teacher that bedazzled me knew he was teaching error.  That charismatic teacher spoke well and used much truth in HIS message.  But there were lies in it also.  Lies that were uncovered as his words were compared to the Word of GOD.   The Holy SPIRIT gave me no peace and constantly reminded me of  the put down of GOD’s power.  One of the devil’s tactics is to accuse GOD, and make HIM seem less than the ALL wise, ALMIGHTY Sovereign that HE is.
False teaching is abounding today, increasingly so.  Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from GOD, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.  I John 4:1

Make sure when you listen to men preach the Word of GOD, that it really is the Word of GOD.  One way to protects yourself is to pray that GOD show you the truth and protect you from lies.


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