A classroom is just a place you gather to learn and there are so many different kinds. Today many even go to their computer to take classes and learn. The place is not important... but there is something that is essential to learn: the willingness to listen.
The Old King James Bible has a phrase used some 20 times in the New Testament in one form or another, with the best known being found in Revelations. It says, "if you have ears to hear, hear"
The New Living Translation is a bit clearer to me. "if you are willing to hear, listen and you will understand"
JESUS said, John 6:45 As it is written... all will be taught by GOD (BUT only) those who listen to the FATHER , learns from HIM and comes to ME.
See the classroom setting? We gather together and look toward the TEACHER - who, by the way, is the Creator of the Universes and Shepard of the stars. But the key of learning is not in the size or type of classroom. Although only GOD can teach us the realities of life and reveal HIMSELF, not even the teacher is the key to learning. For GOD teaches each and everyone but all do not learn. The key to learning is simply a desire to know and willingness to listen.
But if you are full of your own thoughts, you will not hear the teacher.
Ecclesiastics 5:1 guard yourself when you to the house of the LORD (come into HIS Presence). Be more ready to hear than offer the sacrifice of fools (give GOD your opinion and attempt to direct HIS steps) 2 Don't speak rashly... for HE is in heaven, and you are only here on earth. So let your words be few.
Jeremiah 10:23 I know, O LORD, that a man's way is not in himself, it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps (hmmmm... so how in the world do we think we can direct GOD's?)
Isaiah 45:11 This is what the LORD, the Creator and the Holy One...says: "Do you question what I do? do you give ME orders about the work of MY hands? 12 I am the One who made the earth and created people to live on it. With MY hands I stretched out the heavens. All the millions of stars are at MY command...
If you are willing to hear, listen and you will understand.....
Think again about the words of JESUS in John 6:45:all will be taught by GOD (BUT only) those who listen to the FATHER , learns from HIM and comes to ME.
The facts are:
1-All (that means everyone) will be taught by GOD
2- (but only) those who listen to the FATHER will learn from HIM
3-All who listen to the FATHER & learn from HIM will in reality come to ME (JESUS)
The Old King James Bible has a phrase used some 20 times in the New Testament in one form or another, with the best known being found in Revelations. It says, "if you have ears to hear, hear"
The New Living Translation is a bit clearer to me. "if you are willing to hear, listen and you will understand"
JESUS said, John 6:45 As it is written... all will be taught by GOD (BUT only) those who listen to the FATHER , learns from HIM and comes to ME.
See the classroom setting? We gather together and look toward the TEACHER - who, by the way, is the Creator of the Universes and Shepard of the stars. But the key of learning is not in the size or type of classroom. Although only GOD can teach us the realities of life and reveal HIMSELF, not even the teacher is the key to learning. For GOD teaches each and everyone but all do not learn. The key to learning is simply a desire to know and willingness to listen.
But if you are full of your own thoughts, you will not hear the teacher.
Ecclesiastics 5:1 guard yourself when you to the house of the LORD (come into HIS Presence). Be more ready to hear than offer the sacrifice of fools (give GOD your opinion and attempt to direct HIS steps) 2 Don't speak rashly... for HE is in heaven, and you are only here on earth. So let your words be few.
Jeremiah 10:23 I know, O LORD, that a man's way is not in himself, it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps (hmmmm... so how in the world do we think we can direct GOD's?)
Isaiah 45:11 This is what the LORD, the Creator and the Holy One...says: "Do you question what I do? do you give ME orders about the work of MY hands? 12 I am the One who made the earth and created people to live on it. With MY hands I stretched out the heavens. All the millions of stars are at MY command...
If you are willing to hear, listen and you will understand.....
Think again about the words of JESUS in John 6:45:all will be taught by GOD (BUT only) those who listen to the FATHER , learns from HIM and comes to ME.
The facts are:
1-All (that means everyone) will be taught by GOD
2- (but only) those who listen to the FATHER will learn from HIM
3-All who listen to the FATHER & learn from HIM will in reality come to ME (JESUS)
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