This is a snapshot of a little part of a garden pond and there are several things you can see. You can see: lily pads and flowers, water and stairs and a brick wall that looks like it might be circling the pond. But you don’t see the size or the shape of the pond, or the gold fish swimming under the surface of the water neither can you see if someone is standing across the pond. All you view is a glimpse, a fringe of the edge of the pond. Even with your limited view you can still see it’s beauty and order. Just as we are told in Job 26:14 that we can only see parts of GOD’s ways and we just hear a whisper of HIM.
Now you would have to step back a long,long way to see the full scope of this pond but in doing that you would lose sight of some of the specifics you can now see. But step in a little closer and focus on tiny spot or zoom in with your camera and you find the wonder of intricate details like that little fellow above hanging on for dear life.
As we look at the period of the last days of our LORD JESUS’ life on earth, I want to show you some snap shots where I’ve zoomed in on just a detail or two in the glorious picture. I will leave a lot unsaid. And perhaps some incident or detail will come to mind as you read. If it does, ask GOD about it, check it out and share it with me and others for GOD may be pointing out to you something that HE wants you to point out to others.
In John 12:1-3 we read: Six days before the Passover ceremony, JESUS arrived in Bethany at the home of HIS friend, Lazarus, whom HE raised from the dead. Lazarus’ sister Martha prepared a dinner to honor JESUS and Martha was willingly serving, for that was her gifting. Lazarus reclined at the table with JESUS and Lazarus’ other sister, Mary (who loved to sit at JESUS’ feet and listen to HIM teach) took a jar of expensive perfume and anointed the feet of JESUS and wiped HIS feet with her hair and the whole house filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
Now you would have to step back a long,long way to see the full scope of this pond but in doing that you would lose sight of some of the specifics you can now see. But step in a little closer and focus on tiny spot or zoom in with your camera and you find the wonder of intricate details like that little fellow above hanging on for dear life.
As we look at the period of the last days of our LORD JESUS’ life on earth, I want to show you some snap shots where I’ve zoomed in on just a detail or two in the glorious picture. I will leave a lot unsaid. And perhaps some incident or detail will come to mind as you read. If it does, ask GOD about it, check it out and share it with me and others for GOD may be pointing out to you something that HE wants you to point out to others.
In John 12:1-3 we read: Six days before the Passover ceremony, JESUS arrived in Bethany at the home of HIS friend, Lazarus, whom HE raised from the dead. Lazarus’ sister Martha prepared a dinner to honor JESUS and Martha was willingly serving, for that was her gifting. Lazarus reclined at the table with JESUS and Lazarus’ other sister, Mary (who loved to sit at JESUS’ feet and listen to HIM teach) took a jar of expensive perfume and anointed the feet of JESUS and wiped HIS feet with her hair and the whole house filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
But then man criticized her and she may have wondered, “Did I understand right, wasn’t I suppose to do this?”
JESUS immediately defended Mary, applauding her act and sensitivity to the HOLY SPIRIT by declaring that she was obediently doing the work GOD had assigned to her, (placed in her heart to do Phil.2:13) by anointing HIM for HIS burial.
GOD often leads us by placing a nudge or urge within us to do something. Our obedience to the nudges of the HOLY SPIRIT is simply doing what GOD has assigned for us to do. Sometimes GOD will confirm our obedience as I am sure JESUS’s words did to Mary.
Being Mary loved to sit at JESUS feet and listened to all HE said, many think that she understood JESUS was going to die soon and deliberately anointed him for that reason. Others, like myself, think that because she spent so much time with JESUS, the Son of GOD that she was more in turn to hear the SPIRIT of GOD’s voice and feel HIS nudge to act.
Either way, Mary’s act of worship, brought a sweet, sweet fragrance that pervaded the air touching everyone present.
But let’s not forget Martha.(with her servant’s heart) honored JESUS before the others with the meal and all present were filled.
JESUS immediately defended Mary, applauding her act and sensitivity to the HOLY SPIRIT by declaring that she was obediently doing the work GOD had assigned to her, (placed in her heart to do Phil.2:13) by anointing HIM for HIS burial.
GOD often leads us by placing a nudge or urge within us to do something. Our obedience to the nudges of the HOLY SPIRIT is simply doing what GOD has assigned for us to do. Sometimes GOD will confirm our obedience as I am sure JESUS’s words did to Mary.
Being Mary loved to sit at JESUS feet and listened to all HE said, many think that she understood JESUS was going to die soon and deliberately anointed him for that reason. Others, like myself, think that because she spent so much time with JESUS, the Son of GOD that she was more in turn to hear the SPIRIT of GOD’s voice and feel HIS nudge to act.
Either way, Mary’s act of worship, brought a sweet, sweet fragrance that pervaded the air touching everyone present.
But let’s not forget Martha.(with her servant’s heart) honored JESUS before the others with the meal and all present were filled.
Both sisters honored JESUS, each according to her calling and gifting. In honoring JESUS, both sisters ministered to the others present. Both humbled themselves for JESUS and glorified HIS name in the midst of others.
Note: GOD used two sisters to show HIS Son favor. HE used them to bless JESUS before the days of great trouble and temptation. GOD was delighted with each of the sisters as they honored JESUS in doing what HE had assigned and directed each of them to do.
Do you go with the inward nudges (those things you know to do) or are you focused more on what people might think?
Note: GOD used two sisters to show HIS Son favor. HE used them to bless JESUS before the days of great trouble and temptation. GOD was delighted with each of the sisters as they honored JESUS in doing what HE had assigned and directed each of them to do.
Do you go with the inward nudges (those things you know to do) or are you focused more on what people might think?
HI Sharon!
ReplyDeleteSo good to see you have a blog!!!
You are so right sometimes we think more about what people think of us than listening to God!
God bless,