We have come a long way from the beginning of modern photography in the 1820s. Those big old cameras and tin plates. Yet the desire to catch and keep a memory on film is mania that has grown to the extent that most cell phones are equipped with the ability to take and send pictures (not to mention sound videos). And with so many pictures collecting in boxes the “art” of Scrapbooking is “in”. Camp Elim, for instance, has very popular and well attended weekend camps organized for the very purpose that gals can get away for the weekend and not think about cooking or cleaning but concentrate on creating scrapbooks from the piles of pictures that have been collecting in boxes at home.
With scrapbooks we have easy access to memories… just open the book
Memories are a treasure… above is a page full of memories of my grandson, Zachary's 1st day.
During the days leading up to Christmas we like to go back and remember the details leading up to JESUS birth and what happened after it. The snapshot of the painting of a little boy and a carpenter reminds me how JESUS, the Creator of the Universes, submitted HIMSELF to a step father whose assignment from GOD was to protected JESUS during HIS human childhood. Notice the shadow of the cross? JESUS was born with an assignment… So are we.
In the same way that I sometimes place a snap shot in with others of an earlier or later time period when I am scrapbooking, so the following treasure map has it’s timing out of whack in a few places. Nonetheless it is like a page out of a scrap book of JESUS life. It gives us an overview of the last days of JESUS life on earth as a man. More people have read or heard about those few days than any other week in history.
Come with me. Over the next few days, let’s go back and slowly go through the scrapbook, zooming in on some of the snapshots of the documented “memories” of the last days our LORD JESUS CHRIST lived among men on earth. I wonder what GOD will bring to our minds.
As we can direct the spray of water by moving the water hose, so GOD can direct our thoughts wherever HE chooses for them to go.. Proverbs 21:1
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