The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, Creator of the heavens and earth is a remarkable architect who designed and works all things according to HIS eternal purposes and detailed plans. Fully knowing all things, including how HIS pet project (humanity) would listen to that liar Satan and sin by disobedience and choosing independence, the GODHEAD had a meeting (we have clips of several such meetings in the Bible) Sometime in eternity past, before the foundation of the world. GOD the FATHER said, "SON, I need for YOU to build a bridge."
JESUS was assigned a job. It wasn’t a pretty job. And it sure wasn’t going to be easy. In fact, humanly speaking, it was impossible. But since nothing is impossible with GOD JESUS agreed to take it and the cost of the job on and fulfill all the required details. A few of the details are found in Philippians 2:3-11 a few more in John 8:26,28 and Hebrews 12:1-3 but there are many countless others.
JESUS had to lay aside HIS equality with GOD the FATHER and agree to say and do nothing without 1st consulting GOD the FATHER. John 8:26,28
Although fully GOD HE could do nothing for HIMSELF, but in humility considered others better than HIMSELF. HE who spoke the universes into existence, did not look after HIS own interests, but after the interests of others. HE who, being in very nature God, and the exact representation of GOD in all HIS attributes, did not consider HIS equality with God something to be held on to, but made HIMSELF nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness by being born as an infant to a poor young virgin teen.
JESUS had to lay aside HIS equality with GOD the FATHER and agree to say and do nothing without 1st consulting GOD the FATHER. John 8:26,28
Although fully GOD HE could do nothing for HIMSELF, but in humility considered others better than HIMSELF. HE who spoke the universes into existence, did not look after HIS own interests, but after the interests of others. HE who, being in very nature God, and the exact representation of GOD in all HIS attributes, did not consider HIS equality with God something to be held on to, but made HIMSELF nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness by being born as an infant to a poor young virgin teen.
And being found in appearance as a man, HE humbled HIMSELF and became obedient and submitted HIMSELF to young human mother and HIS step father, a poor Jewish carpenter.
All the while JESUS was true to the assignment given HIM by HIS HEAVENLY FATHER and obedient to each command even to death— even death on a cross! There on the cross we are told that HE endured the shame and pain of the cross by thinking of the joy of what HIS death was accomplishing for us and for HIS FATHER.
All the while JESUS was true to the assignment given HIM by HIS HEAVENLY FATHER and obedient to each command even to death— even death on a cross! There on the cross we are told that HE endured the shame and pain of the cross by thinking of the joy of what HIS death was accomplishing for us and for HIS FATHER.
JESUS did that for us as much as for HIS FATHER and now HE sends us on assignments.
Some of the jobs may be hard. Some may seem impossible. And probably are if we try to do them our way. Are we willing to follow Him and lay down our ideas and plans and ask HIM what to do and say? Sometimes we will have to put down what we want to do and think of others before ourselves. Often we will have to give up our rights. Will we look at the cost and say, “NO!” or will we look at JESUS the Author and Perfector of our faith and be encouraged to follow HIS example and place before our eyes the joy of what our obedience will achieve?
Will we say as JESUS did, “I come to do YOUR will O LORD!”?
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