As I spoke of yesterday, learning is a process and it takes awhile to learn the whole counsel of GOD. Things we find in the last book of the Bible will help us understand the 1st book of the Bible. In Genesis, the 1st book of the Bible we read about a serpent but the last book of the Bible- Revelations tells us who that serpent is. You cannot just take one portion of the Bible by itself. For it is like a zig saw puzzle with many, many pieces. Each piece may tell a part of the story but the whole picture is only seen when the pieces of the puzzle are put together. That is why Paul earnestly sought to teach all the counsel of GOD. Acts 20:27. That is why I give references to what I share with you and why they come from all over the Bible. But check out what I am saying for we live in a day when many false teachers and deceivers are twisting Scripture to their own harm.
Now from the beginning of human history, that old serpent, which is the devil & Satan Revelations 20:2 has being trying to discredit GOD & portray HIM as less than HE is. Genesis 3:1-4 For accusing and lying are 2 of the devils ways. If we study the devil’s actions & GOD’s statements concerning him in the Bible we can learn many of his strategies & thus be forewarned.
As for the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, Creator of heaven and earth HE is the rock, HIS work is perfect for all HIS ways are just. A faithful GOD who does no wrong, just and right is HE. Deuteronomy 32:4
GOD’s ways are not our ways, neither are HIS thoughts our thoughts but as high as the heavens are above the earth so much higher are HIS ways than our ways and HIS thoughts than our thoughts. Isaiah 55:8,9 But with the Holy SPIRIT teaching us we can learn many of GOD’s thoughts and ways. In fact since the Holy SPIRIT lives within each believer we have the very mind of the LORD resident in us. 1 Corinthians 2:10-16
It is the glory of GOD to conceal a matter, but to search out a matter is the glory of kings. Proverbs 25:2
When GOD called out to Adam and asked him where he was, did that mean GOD literally did not know where Adam was? Genesis 3:9 And when GOD asked Adam who told him he was naked Genesis 3:11 did GOD literally not know who told Adam? The answer to both questions are a resounding NO! GOD knew for GOD knows all things past, present and future things actual and things possible. So why did GOD ask those questions? hmmm
GOD was not being literal at this point. HE was posing questions in order to get Adam to think and was offering an opportunity to repent.
Acts 17:26,27 says that GOD has predetermined the times and the exact places (of each and every situation that touches us) for the purpose that men should reach out to HIM. Initially, we reach out to HIM for salvation but in every situation GOD calls us to reach out for HIM. Proverbs 3:5-7 puts it this way: Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all you ways acknowledge (reach out to) HIM and HE will direct your path. Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD and depart from evil.
So you see, when GOD asked Adam those questions, HE was calling Adam to think and then to come to HIM in confession, to come to HIM for help admitting he blew it. But Adam refused to face his own responsibility.
When JESUS asked Phillip where they could buy bread to feed 5,000, did HE literally intend to buy bread for the multitude? NO! what Jesus was doing was testing Phillip by making him focus on the need and recognize the literal inability of the job and then showed what HE the LORD could do. John 6:5-13 Did you pick up on the phrase in verse 6 that JESUS already knew what HE would do?
The day JESUS rose from the dead, HE met 2 of HIS disciples on the road to Emmaus, but they were kept from recognizing HIM. Though HE already knew, why did JESUS ask them what they were talking about? It was to have them voice their questions and thus open up an opportunity for HIM to open their minds so they could understand scripture. As they got near their village JESUS acted as if HE was going further for the purpose that they would reach out to have HIM stay with them for a little longer and HE could reveal HIMSELF to them. Luke 24:13-32
I believe in each of these situations I have mentioned that what GOD the FATHER and JESUS did was to offer people opportunities to reach out to GOD.
GOD has an eternal plan. It is written that GOD has known all the works HE will ever do since before the foundation of the world Acts 15:18 Isaiah 45:21
Now, I want to go over one other Bible story. This one is actually the reason for this message. For I was deeply troubled this morning as I heard what someone thought GOD was doing in a situation. It didn’t ring true to the nature of GOD as I have learned of HIM in HIS word. Nor was it true to the Word of GOD of how HE acts. And it definitely was not how I had previously interpreted it. Yes, I had a big time check in my spirit. Therefore, as soon as I could, I went to GOD and opened back up that scripture text and asked the Holy SPIRIT to show me if I was wrong and to explain it to me more clearly.
After delivering the Jews from bondage in Egypt with great signs and wonders and even opening up a path of the Red Sea for them, the Jews traveled through the wilderness for a bit. Then GOD had Moses gather the Jewish people together at the foot of Mt Sinai. Well when GOD came down upon the mountain it was wrapped in smoke and the smoke ascended like a furnace and the whole mountain quaked violently and GOD spoke and gave the people the 10 commandments. But when the people saw the smoke and hear the noise they were terrified and told Moses for him to get GOD’s instructions and then relate them to the people and the people said they would do what GOD said to do. Exodus 19&20
So Moses went up the mountain and met with GOD for 40 days. When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming back they didn’t know what had happened to him and told Aaron the priest, to make them gods who will go before them. So Aaron took the gold earrings of the people and heated them up and made a calf of gold- fashioning it with a tool. And they said these are your gods o Israel who have brought you up out of Egypt. Aaron made an altar in front of the calf and they sacrificed to it and ate, drank and indulged in revelry. Exodus 32:1-6
Meanwhile up on the mountain GOD told Moses what was happening (perhaps to prepare Moses for what he would have to deal with when he went down again to the people) and told Moses to leave HIM alone so in HIS anger HE would destroy them and make a great nation from Moses. Did GOD literally mean that? Was the great faithful GOD going to deny HIS own nature and break HIS promise to Abraham? Or rather was GOD giving Moses an opportunity to think, to intercede for the people and to prove himself faithful both to GOD and to the people? Was GOD’s statement to leave HIM alone (a clear indiction that if he tried MOSES could make a difference and an invitation to interceed) Hmmm
Moses did prove himself faithful to GOD and did reach out to GOD for the people. He acknowledged the sins of the people and stood the gap and interceded for them. Moses had been awed by the glory of GOD and wanted others to see it as well so reminded GOD of HIS promises to Abraham, Isaac and Israel. Exodus 32:7-14 just as HE calls us to remind HIM of HIS promises. Isaiah 43:26
Do you see how learning how GOD acts in one situation will help you understand what HE is doing in another? There are many hard things to understand in the Bible, because like those guy on the road to Emmaus we need the Holy SPIRIT to open our minds to the truth plus we just don’t have all the facts . When things don’t seem right, take your questions to the only wise GOD and trust HIM to make them clear in HIS time. Then go to the word, study it from beginning to end; taking time to ask GOD questions and writing them down to go back to and see how HE answers them. But of this one thing be certain, GOD will show you everything you need to know to do everything HE wants you to do. Deuteronomy 29:29
WARNING: if you have not done something you know you should do, don’t expect HIM to tell you any more.
Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know Him! Hosea 6:3
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