Now at the time all the people of the world spoke the
same language and clearly understood one another what is now referred to
as the tower of Babel was conceived and building began because the people
were afraid to go off to fill the earth as GOD had instructed. Genesis
9:1 Instead they decided to stick together, fortify each
another and to make a name for themselves. Genesis
11:1-3 That was their choice, but it was a costly one for
when GOD has decided something HE makes sure it happens. Jeremiah
4:28c Therefore, after allowing men to make their choice, HE urged them to
rethink their choice. (that is one of GOD’s ways) GOD motivated
them by confusing their language so they could not understand each
other. That is why there are so many languages & dialects on earth
today. I truly believe that it is also why people who speak the same language
often misunderstand one another.
And such a misunderstanding has occurred with some I
know. I felt the
results of it last week and again last night but it wasn’t until I was in the
tub a bit ago, soaking out the sore muscles from overdoing and talking to the
LORD that
I felt the nudge to explain and
There is nothing GOD can learn for HE already knows
all things past, present and future.
Before I speak a word, GOD knows what I am going to
say. Psalm 139:4
But HIS knowing something doesn’t mean HE caused
it. I believe GOD is in absolute control and works all things after the
counsel of HIS own will Ephesians 1:11. When the
LORD made us HE wanted a a loving relationship so did not make us puppets.
Scripture and experience show that we make our own
choices. GOD determines the times, the places, the
circumstances Acts 17:26 but we choose how to act in each situation.
Now how the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY stays in control while
allowing us our own choices is way beyond my ability to comprehend but that’s OK
with me for HIS ways are not my ways and HIS thoughts are not my thoughts. Isaiah 55:8,9 HE knows all
things, while I know in part 1 Corinthians 13:12
Let me give you an example from an old story of how HE uses HIS
knowledge of our future choices together with HIS purposes for an end result of
good Romans 8:28 for a people who choose a relationship with HIM.
GOD created the heaven and the earth and all things in
them. At last HE
made man in HIS image.
Now the LORD had planted a garden full of fruit trees
and in the middle of the garden GOD placed two trees: the tree of life and the
tree of knowledge of good and evil. Then GOD put man in the garden and told him
that he could eat from any of the trees with fruit on them except from the tree
of knowledge of good and evil. GOD warned him if he ate from that tree he
would die.
Adam was happy, GOD gave him a job to name all of the
animals HE brought to Adam and that kept him busy but he found none like
himself, no suitable helper for him.
I sense when that awareness hit, he felt left out,
and a loneliness came over him… a desire to have someone like himself just as
the animals had.
So what do you think? Did GOD wait
to give him a wife until he saw a need for one. Hmmm
I imagine he rejoiced greatly when they were introduced. Their life
was great… they had no problems nor any reason to fear.
One day, Adam’s wife listened to a beautiful
serpent… who really
was the devil
Revelations 20:2 and chose to believe the serpent
rather than GOD so ate of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil
and then gave it to her husband and he took a bite. Something
drastic happened when they ate… what had been beautiful before was now something
to hide and all of a sudden they discovered two new things: fear and
shame. They realized that GOD’s warning was true, HE meant what HE
said… and they had for the 1st time the
fear of the LORD.
But since the
fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, it is
imperative we have a
fear of the LORD. Before they
sinned Adam and Eve
did not have the fear of the LORD. GOD’s
purposes to conformed believers into HIS image Romans 8:29 with Hebrews 1: 3
involve their having the fear of the LORD. Isaiah
11:2,3 It is required.
Do you think that knowing what Adam and Eve’s
choice was going to be, played a part in how GOD planted the garden?
I do.
I honestly think
I make choices and that my choices make a difference
in this world.
At the same time I believe, GOD nudges me to pray and
to do Philippians 2:13 but I choose whether I comply or not. I don’t
understand it but my choices are real and do somehow make a difference (the
BIBLE says so) yet GOD’s purposes can never ever be thwarted by me. To me this
illustrates how man’s ability to choose (some call it free will) shows GOD’s
great Sovereign wisdom and power that would otherwise be left
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