Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sharing one of Sharon's struggles

Very early this morning, as I talked with my LORD there was a nudge and a hint of an assignment.  Then this evening HE clearly showed me that throughout this day I had been resisting HIS leading in an area of my life…I was not allowing HIS fruit in one area to be worked out in a practical way. Now get this, that very area I have been asking HIM to help me with the past few weeks.  Duh!   (sounds a bit like when the Jews would go to find out GOD’s will only to refuse to do what HE said) Yes, I kept struggling. 

When I saw this I confessed and immediately a wild idea came, now I must admit that this isn’t the 1st time I have thought that thought concerning this area… but after asking GOD if this was HIM or me HE reminded me 1st that I had asked HIM to help me and that HE promises to lead me if I consult with HIM.  So I told HIM yes I would go on assignment, if HE would help me.

So much has been going on around here I was behind and needed to get online and check on my email, so right after my talk with our LORD I got online and found way too many emails waiting for me.  I noticed one was a devotional by my online friend Lorraine Ezell so I started reading her message on  the Fruit of the Spirit.  As I read it, GOD spoke again to me confirming the assignment HE had just given me and thereby stilled the enemy’s fiery darts of doubt that he was shooting to my thoughts. Ephesians 6:16

No sooner than I made the commitment when a test came.  A situation arose and I was tempted to put off beginning the assignment until tomorrow, even though I had already started.  For to carry out HIS assignment beginning now seemed to mean hurting others feelings, people who were trying to bless me.  That couldn’t be of GOD could it?   I was really pulled back and forth so lifted it up to GOD.  And GOD worked it out that I could be gracious and loving and yet still comply with HIS orders.   THAT IS JUST LIKE HIM!  I saw no way out but GOD had made a way!

You know how JESUS said that those of us who believe in HIM are given the Holy SPIRIT and that HE becomes rivers of living water flowing out of us?  John 7:38,39  Those rivers of living water are also called the fruit of the SPIRIT in Galatians 5:22,23.  That fruit is GOD’s character being revealed through us believers to those we meet. 

When we let the Holy SPIRIT lead us, when we follow HIM and go with HIS nudges, GOD’s character flows through us to meet the needs in others.  When we refuse to obey GOD”S WORD or the Holy SPIRIT, when we resist HIS nudges and quench the motivation HE places in us and stop HIS work in our lives others don’t get to see what GOD is like.

Please pray for me as I follow the Word of GOD and the leading of the Holy SPIRIT, for as JESUS says, without HIM I can do nothing (of any lasting value).  For I want others to find JESUS and the freedom and joy I have received from HIM.


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