Monday, September 29, 2014

What do you think is the most important thing about you?

What do you think is the most important thing about you?

My husband once said, “You have become so opinionated.”  I responded, “No, I have not become opinionated, I always have had opinions, only now I am not afraid to speak them out.” 

Anyone who thinks has his own opinion, but that doesn’t make our opinions right.  It is GOD’s opinion that is right.  Therefore, I concur with AW Towzer who said: The most important thing about me, the most important thing about you is what we think about GOD. 

Why is it so important to think rightly about GOD? 
·         If we think wrongly of GOD, we are worshipping a god of our own making (an idol).  Exodus 20:4
·         It is through the knowledge of GOD that we obtain all things for life and godliness 2 Peter 1:3
·         As we learn about what GOD is like we are changed and can even partake of HIS nature 2 Peter 1:4, 2 Corinthians 3:18
·         When we know HE is faithful we will claim HIS great and precious promises so they really become ours. 2 Peter 1:4
·         A dear old evangelist Kieth Ward continually said “we go to the word of GOD not to collect facts but to find out what our FATHER GOD is like so we will know how we, HIS children, are suppose to act….   
Human as we are, we often think of GOD as being altogether such as ourselves. But in the end GOD won’t stand for it.  “These things you have done and I kept silence; you thought that I was altogether just like you; but I will reprove consider this.. lest I tear you in pieces and there be none to deliver..” Psalm 50:21,22   
Because it is so important to think rightly about GOD and because HE wants us to know HIM, HE gave us HIS word through which we can look at different facets of HIS glorious nature.  For instance, GOD is one.  Among other things, that means that each and every facet of GOD’s nature is at oneness/unity with every other facet.  There is no division in GOD.  That means HIS love complements HIS wrath, HIS power complements HIS gentleness, HIS grace compliments HIS truth, HIS joy compliments HIS grief and so on.
There is much about the Most High we, being humans with our human limitations, are not able to see.  But what can be known of GOD is evident to us and made plain in our inner consciousness, because GOD HIMSELF has shown it to us.  For ever since the creation of the world HIS invisible nature and attributes are clearly seen.  That is, HIS eternal power and GODHEAD have been clearly seen and being understood by we who have been made. Romans 1:19,20

GOD’s ways are not our ways, neither are HIS thoughts our thoughts but as high as the heavens are above the earth so much higher are HIS ways than our ways and HIS thoughts than our thoughts. Isaiah 55:8,9  But with the Holy SPIRIT teaching us we can learn many of GOD’s thoughts and ways.  In fact since the Holy SPIRIT lives within each believer we have the very mind of the LORD resident in us that is a source we can check with. 1 Corinthians 2:10-16  It is sort of like, my file cabinet where I have stored information and lessons. There is a lock on it.  But I can unlock the cabinet, pull out one drawer after another and search until I find the right file. 

I once wrote a poem of one of GOD’s ways: I smile when thinking of some ways
GOD’s selected for us to be taught
Delighting much in opposites
for us to receive what is sought.

To climb high, we must bend low,
to learn we need first to forget,
To obtain joy, we must know tears,
filling comes when emptiness hits.

These things appear to contradict,
but this is wisdom for our GOD
Rejects what men esteem as good
bringing to naught what the world applauds.
I Cor 1:27,28                      by Sharon

Now Moses chose to know more about GOD so went to HIM personally to find out more (just as we can.) Moses said to the LORD, YOU have been telling me, ‘Lead MY people, but YOU have not let me know whom YOU will send with me.  YOU have said, “I know you by name and you have found favor with ME.”  If I have found favor with YOU teach me YOUR ways that I may know YOU and continue to find favor with YOU.’  The LORD answered, “MY presence will go with you” And the LORD said, I will make all MY goodness pass before you and I will proclaim MY name (character) before you.” But GOD told Moses that he couldn’t see everything about GOD, the LORD had to hide some things from Moses but showed HIM HIS back parts. Exodus 33:12-23

Then the LORD came down in a cloud and stood before Moses and declared HIS name, the LORD.  And HE passed in front of Moses proclaiming, “ The LORD, the LORD GOD merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.  Yet not leaving the guilty unpunished… Exodus 34:5-7     

Furthermore GOD tells us:  I am the LORD I change not; therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed.  Malachi 3:6  &  Every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the FATHER of lights, who does not change or turn like shifting shadows. James 1:17

It is the glory of GOD to conceal a matter, but to search out a matter is the glory of kings. Proverbs 25:2  I challenge you to join with me and every day in searching GOD’s word to find out more about our glorious GOD who was and is and is to come.  GOD promises that HE will let us find HIM when we search for HIM with all of our hearts.  Jeremiah 29:13


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