Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Are the shutters open or closed?

When I was a little girl curtains were up on every window.  Today often that is not the case.  Shutters cover many windows and offer an easy way to let in or close out light.  I have shutters on nearly every window in my house.

In many ways it seems like shutters have been closed to shut out GOD light in our world.  Therefore, we are in the dark concerning some things.  The Bible tells us that the whole worlds way of thinking lies in the arms ( or was taught us) by the devil.  I John 5:19  So as we take on their way of thinking, we take on his.

Being the world’s standards have so infiltrated the church, we often cannot tell any difference between the two.  One thing common among the world and Christians alike is slander (talking against) and maybe even mocking others, especially those in authority whose values are not Bible based.   But the fact is, we are condemning ourselves Romans 2:1 for we are just like them for we have joined the world in slander. Something GOD says is wrong.

Discernment is desperately needed more than ever.  To discern is the ability to recognize and distinguish between the difference in things.  Spiritual discernment is the ability to distinguish truth from error by grasping & comprehending something not clearly evident to the average mind 

But don’t get me wrong… discernment is insight into the word of GOD not separate from it.  Today we find people adding and subtracting from the word of GOD at their own pleasure.  Something GOD sternly warns us against.  Proverbs 20:30, Revelation 22:17,18

It is impossible to attain spiritual discernment & wisdom without GOD.   The Holy SPIRIT must teach us for us to learn the things of GOD for they are too great for us to grasp on our own.  John 14:26, I Corinthians 2:10-1HE gives discernment Matthew 13:11 or takes it away Job 12:20.  GOD alone can open the shutters to let the light of truth shine on the human mind enabling us to understand truthEspecially if we have shut the shutters by turning at some point to do our own thing & consequently been blinded by the devil 2 Corinthians 4:4,  2Timothy 2:24-26

To those GOD has given discernment, HE also calls to teach HIS people the difference between the holy and the common and cause them to discern between the clean and unclean.  Ezekiel 44:23 For the difference has become vague and indistinct especially in America’s society.  Today, Christians laugh at smut not even recognizing that it is below GOD’s standard of purity.  This is because the world’s standard hits us from every angle—in what we see, what we hear- in fashions- and so much more.   Therefore, we have become to a degree, desensitized to wrong.

But GOD doesn’t leave us there.  HE promises that if we seek HIS righteousness Matthew 6:33 we shall find Matthew 7:7 and  all we have to do to know the next step HE wants us to take is to ask and be willing to comply.  James 1: 5-8  John 7:17

Do you, do I want discernment? Let’s ask!


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