Once depicted as “Fairytale Queen”, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen
of the Commonwealth realms, completed her 60 years of reign in February 2012. She is called the diamond queen. One of her crowns- The Miniature Crown worn
by Queen Victoria for her Diamond Jubilee portrait in 1897 holds 1,187 diamonds. The Diamond Coronation Necklace and Earrings, was originally created for Queen Victoria and later worn by Queen
Alexandra, Queen Mary, The Queen Mother and Queen Elizabeth II at their
coronations. Her diamonds are displayed with a dark background.
Like the Queens’s diamonds, often diamonds are
displayed with a dark backdrop because the dark background allows the
brilliance of the diamonds to shine even brighter in contrast. I found the same truth ,as I read Philippians
In that passage we are instructed to have the same
attitude as JESUS, who being in the form
of GOD put aside recognition of HIS position of equality with GOD, HIS
Sovereign rights as Creator of heaven & earth, HIS unlimited wealth & privileges in order to take on the form
of man & be born in the fashion of
man, (according to the eternal plan.) Then HE chose to humble HIMSELF even
further in obedience unto death for HE died on the cross carrying the sins man for
the purpose of reconciling us to GOD.
The whole emphasis of this passage is not that
JESUS was equal with GOD… although that is true. But that truth is merely the back drop to
emphasize the amazing humility of JESUS. Just like the black velvet in the jeweler’s
case that shows off the diamonds and the gold.
JESUS CHRIST’s equality with GOD
is the backdrop that show HIS humility.
In this passage, Christ’s great object was to
identify HIMSELF with humanity; not to appear to men as divine but as human and
therefore able to understand (Hebrews
4:14,15); help us in times of need (Hebrews 4:16); to die for our sins (Luke
24:7) & to eventually be the judge of all ( John 5:27)
HIS identifying with mankind was 1st
place in HIS life. Perhaps, that is why JESUS CHRIST favorite
name for HIMSELF was the Son of man.
HE called HIMSELF the Son of man 82 times, yet only referring to HIMSELF 32
times as the Son (in reference to GOD) 22 of those are in the book of John and 10 of the 22 are in
John chapter 5 as HE explains HIS
relationship with GOD the FATHER and declares that HE does only what HE sees
the FATHER doing ---setting an example for us to follow.
Today JESUS CHRIST is still putting us 1st. Hebrews 7:25 says HE can save us to the
uttermost for HE ever lives to intercede for us. (that is not—defending me as much as , “FATHER,
Sharon could use more patience how should we handle this?”
So my point?
JESUS CHRIST humbled HIMSELF to identify with you and me in order to
help us and reconcile us to GOD when we were yet sinners who could not save
ourselves. Are you, am I, willing to
humble ourselves and reach out to those in need, to tell them of JESUS CHRIST in
hopes of reconciling them to GOD? For
HE loves them, just like HE loves us.
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