Tuesday, November 11, 2014

part 2 of 2

GOD does    part 2 of 2

The outline I promised is at the end.

GOD will judge the world with justice Acts 17:31 JESUS paid for all the sins of the world and thereby reconciled any who receive HIM to GOD.  The sins are erased off the book s of those who accept HIM as Savior.  Yet there are natural consequences that remain.  People will be paid back for doing wrong.  Colossians 3:25

There are many verses that speak about being judged for our negative actions stating that fair retribution will be issued.  This goes for everything  from speaking idle words Matthew 12:36  to murder. Galatians 6:7 No one wonders that although a murder gets saved, he still may face the electric chair; or a believing thief may still land in jail.  A liar will be lied about.  Although there are definite consequences (judgment on wrong action) for everyone, it is interesting to note that the time and place for payback is often different.  For (group 1) believers in JESUS this happens  in time (rather than in eternity future) while on the earth.
·         An old testament picture of this is found in Numbers 14 where the people were afraid and refused to go into the promise land and grumbled against GOD.  The LORD  was very angry.  But Moses prayed and then the LORD said: Numbers 14:20-23 I have forgiven them as you have asked (they were saved and HIS eternally) Nevertheless, as surely as I live and as surely as the glory of the LORD fills the whole earth, not one of the men who saw MY glory and the miraculous signs I performed in Egypt and in the desert but who disobeyed ME and tested ME 10 times will ever see the land I promised on oath to their forefathers.  No one who has treated ME with contempt will ever see it..
The people were forgiven, just as you and I who believe in JESUS are forgiven eternally but there were in time consequences for their actions.  I know believers who cannot find peace and joy in believing for they refuse to trust GOD to fight their battles just like those Jews of old.  Because of that they will never experience in this life the peace and rest GOD offers.  But they are forgiven and saved.

Take the example  of unforgiveness. JESUS said that unless your forgive you will not be forgiven.  For believers:  if we refuse to forgive, there will be definite in time consequence.  For instance, instead of GOD giving you favor with others, HE will withhold it.  We will not experience the joy and freedom of forgiving but instead be eaten up with bitterness and anger.  GOD can not release you (forgive you and bless you)  from your in time consequences as long as you hold on to your unforgiveness.  For believers retribution is an in time thing.  It is totally separate from our eternal forgiveness that was earned for us on the cross by our LORD JESUS CHRIST and appropriated by us when we believed.

Judgment on believers wrong actions happens on earth- during time (here and now) so that we will NOT have to be condemned for our actions later (after death) with the world.
·         I Corinthians 11:31,32 For if we would judge ourselves, we will not come under judgment (just stop right now and think about  that).  But when we are judged, we are chastened/ disciplined by the LORD, that we should not be condemned with the world.
An extreme example of this is seen when a man was having a sinful relationship with his step mother. See I Corinthians 5  entire chapter
·         I Corinthians 5:5” turn over this man over to Satan so that the sinful nature may be destroyed & his spirit saved on the day of the LORD.
A believer named Heymenaeus, the married couple Ananias and Sapphire and even Peter are other examples of in time judgment for corrective purposes that they would not have to be condemned with the world.  see 1 Timothy 1:20, Acts 5:1-10, Luke 22:31,32

In comparison (group 2) those who will never believe- most of their judgment awaits until after their death. ( I worded what I called the 2nd group carefully for it seems like any who will one day believe are treated as if already in the 1st group even before they believe.)  Many cry out at the injustice of this world and how evil people (2nd group)get away with so much while believers are treated wrongfully.   There are many Bible verses that say that very thing. Psalm 37:1,7, 73:3-19  Proverbs 23:17

In part that is due to the long-suffering of GOD giving chance after chance.  HIS kindness often leads to repentance. Romans 2:4  Even though GOD knows one will never repent or believe,  GOD has chosen to reserve judgment to a specific time for the unbeliever.  2 Peter 2:8,9 (I personally feel this is due at least in part to GOD’s great pity & tender mercies for HE knows that the only thing the unbeliever will get is what he gets in this life because those who refuse the love of the truth will spend eternity in the lake of fire Revelation 20:15 where their worm (soul with its longings with no way to fill them) will never die & the fire is never quenched. Mark 9:44 Could this be why GOD didn’t kill Cain?Gen.4

Kris Vallotton said-GOD's judgments are based on our will.  GOD judges to determine eternity for each individual based on their own actions, attitudes and beliefs (choices). HE is judging what we willed because HE is not willing (does not desire/ want)  that anyone should perish.
 2 Peter 3:9  Ezekiel 18:23,32  -          John 8:24 I say you will die in your sins; for if you believe not I am HE you will die in your sins.

Although the general intent of GOD’s actions are always corrective- to get people to reach out to HIM, Acts 17:26,27 it’s  the in time individual’s response is what determines the result.  Take for instance the Bible principle that GOD brings our fears upon us: judgment on fear.  For a believer (group 1) it results in greater trust. see Job 3:25, Job 42:5,10   While for an unbeliever (group 2) it is punishment, showing them that GOD is indeed who HE says HE is and is in control and stronger than they are. Isaiah 66:6.  See the difference?

This  is the chart I promised that lists some of the most significant  past, present and future judgments spoken of in the Bible.
Past judgments:
1-Judgment of Adam – (whole human race affected) Genesis 3
   Who- Adam and Eve
   When- after 1st sin
   Where- In the garden of Eden, on earth
   Why- ate fruit GOD forbid them with immediate consequence of gaining a sin nature(lust of the flesh, lust of the  eyes &pride of life)
   What outcome … 1- aging and eventual physical death for all mankind
                 2- curse on earth… weeds and had to work hard to get a crop
                 3- increased sorrow and conception to the woman & a desire in her to rule over her husband.
                 4-kicked out of the garden
                 5-not able to eat of Tree of Life
                 6- generational pass down of sin nature and physical death

2 – Judgment of the flood  Genesis chapters 6, 7   2 Peter 2:5
      Who-All people who refused to believe GOD (at Noah’s preaching)  and get in the ark
      When-1,565 years after creation                                                                                                                
      Where- the whole earth covered                                                                                                                              
      Why-  the wickedness of man was great on the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually
      What outcome- Universal flood that covered the earth wiping out all people and animals not in ark.                     

3- Judgment at Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1-9                                                                                     
    Who- the people on earth at that time                                                                                                                         
    When-               ????                                                       
    Where- at the tower of Babel, in the land of Shinar, earth                                                                                                                     
    Why-  defied GOD’s command to scatter and fill the earth Genesis 11:4, w/ Genesis 9:1,7
    What outcome-1 language confused, now multiple languages resulting in scattering the people out Genesis ll:9                                                                
4-Judgment of this world /  can also be called Judgment of believers sin on the cross  John 12:31
   Who- the world/ laid on JESUS                                                                   
   When-                around 2000 years ago                                                                      
   Where                -on the Cross, hill of Gogotha, Jerusalem, earth                                            
   Why- sin which separated man from GOD                                                                                                
   What outcome-the ruler of this world (satan) cast outside John 12:31/ canceled written code with its regulation that were against
                                       us/ JESUS  triumphed over all demons (fallen angels) and disarmed them. Colossians 3:14,15

Present judgments 
5- Believers self judgment  I Corinthians 11:31
    Who- believers
    When- in time on earth
    Where- wherever you are
    Why – to become more like JESUS & avoid chastisement 
    What outcome- GOD will not have to judge our actions on earth/ we will become more Christlike.

6- GOD’s disciplinary judgment of believers on the earth.   I Corinthians 11:31,32  Galatians 6:7 (more details on previous page)
   Who- believers
   When- whenever a believer gets into sin
   Where- wherever they may be
   Why - so we won’t be condemned with the world
   What outcome- we become partakers of HIS righteousness  Hebrews 12:5-11 especially verse 10,  Romans 8:29
Future judgments 
This next judgment, the 1st  of the 4 future judgments listed, is the most exciting for me for it pertains to believers & it is called our hope.
·         John 14:2b,3 for I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to MYSELF, that where I am, there you may be also.
This is also what is being spoken of in Romans 8:19-23  & I John 3:2
·         Romans 8:19 For the creation is eagerly watching with earnest expectation for the revealing of the sons of GOD.
·         I John. 3:2  beloved we are children of GOD and it has not yet appeared (been revealed) what we shall be like.  But we know that when HE (JESUS) appears we shall be like HIM for we shall see HIM as HE really is.
·         Romans 8:20-23 For the creation was subjected to futility (incapable of producing properly)Genesis 4:11,12  not by its own choice but by the ONE who subjected it in hope; that the creation itself will also be set free from the slavery of deterioration/ corruption to the glorious freedom of the children of GOD.  For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now.  And not only this, but we ourselves, having the 1st fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.
I Thessalonians 4:14-17 tells us about that time when JESUS comes again to receive us to HIMSELF& about the redemption of our body
·         I Thessalonians 4:14, 16,17 For if we believe that JESUS died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in JESUS will GOD bring with HIM… For the LORD HIMSELF shall come down from heaven with a shout and with a voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of GOD; and the dead in CHRIST shall rise 1st.  Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the LORD in the air, and thus we shall always be with the LORD.
JESUS catches us away in the air and then comes the next judgment.  The Judgment seat of Christ.
·         Revelation 22:12 Behold, I am coming quickly (suddenly), and MY reward is with ME, to render to every man according to what he has done.

7- Judgment seat of Christ   I Corinthians 3;11-15   2 Corinthians 5:10  Romans 14:10  Matthew 16:27 Luke 14:14   I Corinthians 5:4
   Who- believers only
   When- at rapture (When JESUS catches is away to meet HIM in the air ) I Thessalonians 4:13-17
   Where- between earth and highest heaven (going through fire traveling though the atmosphere at high speed all burns away)
   Why – believer’s works are judged/ not his sins for his sins have been atoned for & remembered no more Hebrews 10:17
   What outcome-  rewards  or loss  I Corinthians 3:14,15  Ephesians 6:8 Revelations22:12
                 1- crowns to lay at JESUS feet Revelation 4:10  2 Timothy 4:8
                 2-positions to be held during 1,000 on earth Luke 19:11-19  note vs 17
                 3-or the shame of having all burned away & coming out smelling like smoke-but saved & GOD there to wipe the tears away!
                                                                                                                                          John 7:17  1  Corinthians 3:15  I John 2:28 

8-Judgment of the nations Matthew 25:31-46, Joel 3:2  (Christians are associated with Christ in this judgment    I Corinthians 6:2)   
   Who- goats and sheep (the nations of the world)      Matthew 10:15, 11:20-24 alludes to this                                       
   When after 2nd coming of Christ prior to HIS 1,000 yr. reign                                                 
   Where                -on earth                                                                                                                  
   Why- judged on how they treated HIS brethren the remnant 144,000 Jews who, were sealed & preached  the gospel during the
             tribulation..after the removal  of the church when HE caught  Christians away, Revelation 7:2-12                      
   What outcome- their treatment of the sealed preacher Jews determines their future. If good to remnant, they are given an inheritance during
             the 1,000  but if not they not allowed to live during the 1,000 year reign.                                                                      
9- Judgment of Fallen Angels with their leader the devil Jude 6 (Christians are associated with Christ in this judgment  I Corinthians 6:3)
   Who- the devil and demons (the 1/3 of angels that joined Satan in rebellion against the Most High)
   When- directly following the battle of Armageddon as fire falls from heaven Revelations 20:10
   Where- ? on the battlefield on the plain of Meddigo ???  or in the “nothingness” when the earth explodes & the heavens flee???
   Why - rebellion against GOD
   What outcome- cast into the lake of fire to be tormented day and night forever and ever  Revelations 20:10 also called the 2nd death but it is not annihilation for the Beast & False prophet are still there undestroyed after 1,000 yr  Revelation 19:20 w/ 20:10  Note  - these fallen angels had been arrested and held in confinement at different times, Jude 6  2 Peter 2:4  Revelation 20:1-3 but their actual sentencing did not occur until after Armageddon just prior to or at the same time as the world explodes and the heavens flee  2 Peter 3:10-12 before  the Great  White Throne appears

10- Great White Throne Judgment  Revelation 20:11-15   The final Judgment
   Who- the dead, great and small 
   When-  after the battle of Armageddon& the burning up of earth& heavens but before the new heaven & earth. Revelations  20:11- 21:1
   Where  before the Great White Throne there is no earth or heaven at this point.
   Why  judged according to the things written in the books-  according to what they had done
   What outcome- whosoever was not found written in the Lamb’s book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Note: the redeemed were raised from the grave 1,000 years before this in the 1st resurrection  Revelation 20:4,5   Any in the 1st resurrection cannot be hurt by the 2nd death -which is the lake of fire. Revelations 20:4-6 for it is a resurrection to everlasting life Daniel 12:2  while the 2nd resurrection which is  spoken of here at the Great White Throne Judgment  is a resurrection to shame and everlasting contempt. Daniel 12:2

Now the judgments are complete and GOD promises: Nahum 1:9b  affliction will not rise up the second time!
                                                            Praise HIS holy name!

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