Wednesday, November 12, 2014


There is a game called Twister. Each player set the spinner in motion to tell the players which hand or foot to place on which colored dot on the vinyl play mat. In the game people get twisted up in knots with each other trying to obey the spinner without falling down.  Some think life is like that game that each person makes the call. But although GOD has given us free will, HE works out all things according to HIS own counsel and it is amazingly synchronized. Ephesians 1:11

Well, I finally got back into that book I promised to read, you know that one with the premise in the introduction which sent me to the Bible.  And I really have asked the LORD to keep me from being critical.  And there are some good things in it.  But I am barely into the 2nd chapter and I read something that doesn't seem right (you might even say it rocked my boat.)

And I quote: ”…another of GOD’s rules seems to be that HE will not work in the human arena without human partners….when we partner with GOD, HIS work gets done.  When we do not partner with GOD, the things HE wants done do not get done.” 

Do you realize what that man is saying?  He is saying that GOD’s plan is dependent on our choices.  If that were true GOD cannot guarantee the end or the victory over Satan.  Satan thought he had gotten victory once but it was his downfall.
·         Acts 2:23 HE (JESUS) being delivered by the determined counsel and foreknowledge of GOD, you have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain.

Yes, GOD has given us free will. Because HE wants us to love HIM freely.  But GOD who knows all things past, present and future somehow in HIS great wisdom and understanding, fully knowing each choice we would ever make from before time began, devised a perfect plan taking the choices we would make into consideration. In this way (that I can't fully understand) GOD remains in absolute control guaranteeing HIS plans and purposes(decrees) fulfilled without overriding our free will.

But when the author said a better translation of Romans 8:28 was, “ in all things GOD works together with those who love him”, I immediate went into my office got my Greek New Testament, my analytical Greek lexicon, my Greek grammar and my notebook full of cheat sheets from the 3 years of studying Greek.  Then I sat down and copied out each word and meticulously checked out the Greek words  from Romans 8:28 and since it seemed he was out of context again I also did most of Romans 8:29. I checked the direct articles, conjunctions, pronouns as well as the nouns and verbs and adverbs.  You know what I found? That guy is totally wrong.

A bit wordy, but accurate: Romans 8:28 And we know to the ones loving GOD, GOD by HIMSELF (singular) in reality is continually holding together, has in custody, is exercising constraining influence on all things to good to the ones being called according to purpose. 29 because those whom HE in reality in undefined time past foresaw (foreknew) them HE also in undefined time past determined beforehand  to conform to be like (exact image) of HIS SON, that HE should be the 1st born of many brethren.

Yes, we do have the privilege to co-labor with GOD but GOD is not in any way dependant on us to get HIS decrees completed.
·         I Thessalonians 5:18 faithful is HE who calls you, who will also do it.  
·         You have seen well, for I am watching over MY word to perform it.  Jeremiah 1:12 ,
·         Ezekiel 36:36b  … I the LORD have spoken and I will do it.
·         Numbers 23:19  The LORD is not a man that HE should lie, nor the son of man that HE should repent.  HE has said it so HE will do it.
Everything GOD decrees will happen.  But we need to remember that not everything GOD would like is a decree.  GOD decreed: The soul that sins it will die.  Ezekiel 18:20 But HE does not want any to perish,  Ezekiel 18:23 says: Do I take pleasure in the death of the wicked? Declares the Sovereign LORD.  Rather am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?

Ps   I think I am remembering why I don't read many non fiction books outside of the Bible  …. LOL


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