Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A simple way to look at it

What we mean when we say a certain word may not be what another means when they say it.  Therefore it is good to learn the speaker's definition of the word before drawing conclusions about what he is saying.  As I read this morning in the Word the phrase:  The testimony of JESUS is the spirit of prophesy  Revelation 19:10  came to mind.  I would like to show you the way the Bible uses the word testimony and prophesy.  It may be a little different perspective for some of you.
The word for testimony is in Greek- martyria and It means evidence, reputation, witness.  It is where we get the word Martyr... They become martyrs because of their witness/ testimony concerning JESUS.
The word prophesy means an inspired message.. or to speak forth a word GOD gives you.  Sometimes it is a word encouraging others to obey GOD other times it is a word proclaiming the future as a warning to preparedness and continued obedience to GOD.
The Old Testament is sometimes called the Testimony. Exodus 25:21 It testified/ witnessed to what GOD did and it testified of JESUS in its prophesies. In John 5:39 JESUS tells people to search the Scriptures for they testify of ME... 
When one is said to have the testimony of JESUS Revelations 1:9,  it means they testify/ tell what JESUS did for them and what HE can do for others. That witness should include HIS credentials (declaring HIM the SON of GOD.)  For HIS credentials are what qualified JESUS CHRIST to be savior of the world.  The testimony of JESUS is confirmed in us as we grow in grace and the knowledge of JESUS I Corinthians 1:5,6.  The changes in us testify to the fact that JESUS CHRIST is the SON of GOD and saves (delivers) us from our sins.
We are told that we overcome the evil one by the blood of the Lamb (JESUS) and the word of our testimony.  Revelation 12:11.  When we tell others about JESUS and what HE did, we are prophesying for we are proclaiming GOD eternal message.
Most of what I share with others are things GOD emphasizes to me as I read HIS word, or when the word is spoken by another.  It is HIS word so it is a message from GOD.

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