Saturday, January 17, 2015

plans fall apart

I know the plans I have for you says the LORD, plans to help you not to hurt you to give you  a future and a hope.  Jeremiah 29:11
When those struggles and crisis come at us from every direction; one right after another and we are just trying to catch our breath... GOD is there with us.  It has been like that for us Mannings many, many times these last couple of years.  But GOD says that those very momentary struggles HE is using to achieve for us everlasting wonders.  Therefore we can and should Give thanks for all things..."  2 Corinthians 4:17,18/ I Thessalonians 5:18
Almighty GOD, our FATHER, thank YOU for sending JESUS.  Just because I believe that HE died for my sins on the cross and trust the effectiveness of that, YOU have made me righteous in YOUR sight.  Romans 3:21-23  That blows me away!  Such love fills me with wonder and has taught me to love YOU.  Because I love YOU I want to please YOU by doing what you want, what YOU tell me to do in YOUR word. YOU knew that would happen, didn't YOU.
Thank YOU JESUS for living and suffering being tempted and bearing our sins on the cross so that we could be forgiven and reconciled to GOD. I can't imagine YOUR pain and am in awe at YOUR faithfulness and love.
Thank YOU our Heavenly FATHER for YOUR plans for each one who believes in JESUS CHRIST YOUR SON.  It is so amazing how YOU use all things in our lives, the good, the bad and the ugly and stir them all together like one mixing up a cake for dinner. Romans 8:28 I can see it in all that has happened this week.
Thank YOU for giving every believer the HOLY SPIRIT. YOU knew how much we need HIM.
Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT for the gifts YOU give each of us who believe and trust in JESUS.  Enable us  to be instruments, bringing YOUR love and provision to those in need that you put in our path... everywhere, even at the memorial service or greeting that friend at church.  It is fun to see YOUR leading me when those opportunities to reach out pop up.
Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT for being so patient with me, and for teaching and leading me  with those Bible verses as I sat and read.  I need YOU to lead me for I just don't know which way to go for I don't know YOUR plans.  But I do know YOU know the way. Thank YOU for encouraging me through YOUR Word when I messed up.  I am resting in YOU and waiting for YOUR direction.  Have YOUR way LORD

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