Friday, October 24, 2014

frogs communicate

Frogs can make themselves appear larger by puffing up.  They do this for a many of reasons from a defense mechanism to a variety of communication purposes including mating calls.  They can inflate their trunks as well as their vocal sacs, though the latter is by far the most common.  Frogs aren't just "singing" when they inflate their vocal sacs there is something specific going on.  I am pretty sure that is also true when a person emotionally puffs up. Though it is an inward thing, with people it can be seen by the way that person communicates (speak and/ or treat others.)

Romans 12;3  don't think more highly of yourself than you ought to think… but think soberly (think clearly/ not clouded, exaggerated nor distorted) according as GOD  has dealt to you the measure of faith. (faith comes from hearing a word from GOD  Romans 10:17) The things GOD shows you are for a specific reason that you will be able to do what HE want you to do.  Deuteronomy 29:29

Romans 12:3 tells us acknowledge that whatever we have or know (understand of truth) comes not by our efforts or reasoning but by what has been given to us by GOD.  Therefore you have no reason to feel proud.  1 Corinthians 4:7.

GOD has an agenda and has purposed to use you and me in specific situations Ephesians 2:10 to achieve an expected end. We do however get to choose if we are vessels of honor or dishonor (if we do things GOD’s way or not) 2 Timothy 2:20, 21 and through HIS knowledge of all things, (even what choices we will make) GOD made HIS eternal plans.  HE is never surprised, for there is nothing that will come to be that HE has not already taken into consideration.

 (Paul said) I have planted and Apollos watered but GOD has given the increase (made it grow) so neither is he that plants anything nor he that waters but GOD who gives the increase (makes it grow).  The one who plants and the one who waters are equal and each one will receive his wages according to his own labor for we are co-workers with GOD.  1 Corinthians 3:6-9

I have known some who had an idea and presented their idea to others as GOD’s truth, although it was not GOD’s truth at all.  Through human reasoning they might convince others that they are right, but unless GOD causes it to grow, after a time it will prove false.  On the other hand, if someone speaks as GOD tells him to, even if others oppose what he says there is no need for him to fear or become discouraged for if what is says is from GOD (GOD HIMSELF will speak to the hearer through those words spoken) and it will prosper. It will accomplish what GOD wants done.  Acts 5:38,39  Deuteronomy 29:29 

A true story I just heard yesterday:  There was a missionary in a foreign land who had scheduled a meeting.  The government presented lies about the missionary but the people didn’t understand the wording so a large crowd came together.  But the government had agents in the audience that continually heckled what the missionary was saying making the missionary appear foolish and the missionary became very discouraged and ready to quit.  When a prominent government official stood up and the missionary thought, Oh NO!  what will she say?  But she merely asked the missionary one question:  If I believe in this JESUS you are telling us about will HE give me a love for the people that you have?         58 people accepted JESUS that night.   Why? Because GOD caused HIS word to prosper.

That really encourages me & demonstrates Proverbs 21:30 There is no wisdom, nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.


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