Monday, October 6, 2014

Stir it up!

My grandchildren love to help me cook.  And stirring up the ingredients for a cake in a bowl is especially fun.  What would happen if you put all the ingredients for a cake into a pan and stuck it in the oven without stirring up the ingredients?

Reading in Ezra chapter 2 I was encouraged and got instructions in how to pray for a loved one.  I am to pray that GOD stir him up.  I love both of the references in Ezra 2 concerning this.  Both times they are hiphil= which means GOD actively caused something to happen. 

In verse 1 GOD actively woke up and rouse to action King Cyrus to do what GOD wanted done (release HIS people and to rebuild HIS temple in Jerusalem.) 

Then in verse 5 GOD actively woke up from sleep (those busily occupied with other things), excited them  in HIS plan and called forth individuals (in bondage in a foreign country) to do HIS bidding.  Plus HE opened the way for this to  happen verse 1.

Looking at this action or way GOD does something, is exciting.  Causing me to claim this way of GOD by asking HIM to stir up my loved one (and me.) 

I am praying:
·         That GOD wake up my loved one to the emptiness of the chasing after the things of this world and living by its standards Ezra 2:5
·         That GOD plant HIS plan in my loved one’s (and my) heart Philippians 2:19
·         And that GOD stir up his heart (and mine) to be actively excited about GOD plan  Ezra 2:5
·         And that GOD call my loved one (and me) to do HIS bidding, Ezra 2:1,5 assigning us to specific territory with authority to do HIS work 2 Corinthians 10:13 and equipping us for our part of the work. Colossians 1:12

I am so glad it is not my job to think up ways to help GOD. I am not the best as brain storming but it excites me that GOD has a plan and wants me part of it. I am very much like my grandkids in that I love "helping" GOD do something HE wants done. I am praying that GOD stir me up with HIS plans.


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