Thursday, October 16, 2014

planting seeds

When the seed is planted in the ground sometimes it grows and sometimes it doesn’t.  It is the same with us.  GOD plants thoughts in our hearts if we accept them and ponder them they will grow and produce.  The devil also plants thoughts in our minds… thoughts called fiery darts of the devil… we can either accept them or refuse them.  If we accept them and think about them they will also grow and produce.  It doesn’t matter how large or small the seed that is planted if received by the ground it will produce.

I John 3:1 How great is the manner of love the FATHER has given to us that we may be called the children of GOD and that is what we are. 2 …we are now the children of GOD and yet it is not yet manifested (we don’t yet know) what we shall be like.  We know that when JESUS is manifested  we shall be like HIM because we shall see HIM as HE really is.3 and everyone having this hope fixed on HIM (JESUS) purifies himself as JESUS is pure.
            :5 and you know that JESUS appeared to take away sin; and in HIM there is no sin.6 no one who abides in JESUS sins, and no one who sins has seen HIM or knows HIM.
            10 So now we can tell who are the children of GOD and who are the children of the devil.  Anyone who does not obey GOD’s commands and does not love others does not belong to GOD.  23 And this is HIS commandment that we must believe in the name of HIS SON JESUS CHRIST and love one another as HE gave us commandment.  24  the one who keeps HIS commandments abides in JESUS and JESUS in him.  And hereby we know that JESUS abides in us, by the SPIRIT which HE has given us.

Studying the Bible has brought me to the conclusion that to abide in JESUS is to focus on HIM considering how HE thinks and acts according to Scripture Hebrews 12:2,3 and also talking everything over with HIM 2 Corinthians 3:5, Proverbs 3:5-7

If and when we are doing that we will not sin.

But if we turn away from focusing on and talking with JESUS, even for a brief spell… and look at things from a human selfish viewpoint and do things our own way we will sin.  Note at those times, we have our back to JESUS therefore cannot see HIM.  It is only when we see (face)  HIM that we reflect HIS nature.  At those times we are looking to ourselves for the answers it is natural for us to sin because then we are operating according to the world’s standards and the whole world lies in the arms of the evil one.  I John 5: 19

When we accept the thoughts the evil one plants, those thoughts take root and eventually produces sin.  Just as when a sperm connects with an egg or a seed is planted in the ground.   When accepted, the sperm or seed planted by the evil one in our thoughts produces an offspring or a thorn.. which in turn fights against JESUS.  Genesis 3:1-7,15   

Have you ever noticed when you are focused on a hard problem and all you can think of is ”how unfair!” that your thoughts of GOD are rather negative if you think of HIM at all?  That is what is meant by not knowing HIM in I John 3:6.  We have lost sight of HIM and don’t even recognize HIS character.

That is why it is so essential to go to HIM with everything… for when we do, even if we are grumbling we give HIM an opportunity to speak to us and we see HIM.  Even if we have no clue what HE is doing HE has our attention.  At those times it helps me to remember (prodded by the HOLY SPIRIT, I am sure) that GOD is at work stirring every single thing together (just like we stir together  the raw eggs with milk, flour, sugar, baking powder and whatever to make a yummy cake. Romans 8:28

2 Corinthians 4:17,18  For our (comparative) light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory of good things that far outweigh the pain of today. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen (our situation) but on what is not seen (what GOD is achieving for us through our situation) for what is seen (our situation) is temporary, but what is unseen (what GOD is achieving for us through our struggles) is eternal.

We all are aware of the example of these things seen in Eve- the mother of all living Genesis 3:20  When she took her eyes off GOD’s word and focused on the serpent’s lies she received the seed the devil ( Revelations 20:2) planted; she mulled it over and then it produced sin. 

Eve’s 1st son, the 1st child born of a woman, Cain also took his eyes off GOD’s way (GOD showed that vegetation was not a good enough offering that a blood sacrifice was required Genesis 3: 7,21) Cain chose to do things his own way and offered to GOD the fruit of his own farming efforts…   His little brother Able, on the other hand did things GOD’s way and GOD showed HIS approval .  That got Cain mad!  And GOD spoke to Cain.  Why are you mad, if you do right, you will be accepted.  But if you do not do right sin is crouching at the door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.  Genesis 4:1-6

Rather than listen to GOD’s warning, Able was stubborn and refused to offer a blood sacrifice.  Then he killed his brother because had Able received the attention that he wanted.  Cain’s 1st sin was not the murder but the turning from what GOD showed HE wanted and looking to his own ways and efforts to please GOD.  The 2nd sin was like it, he killed his brother because he was not #1 in GOD’s eyes.   He was the center of his own little world and anything that offended him needed to be dealt with. Genesis 4:1-8

The phrase it (sin= the devil) desires to have you Genesis 4:6is the same exact Hebrew phrase translated, in Genesis 3:16 that your desire will be to (rule) your husband but he shall rule over you.  When we chose to listen to the lies of the devil over the truth and ways of GOD we give the enemy a position of authority over us and do his seditious will 2 Timothy 2:25,26,  2 Corinthians 2:11, Ephesians 4:27

When you and I sin it is when we have refused to do things GOD’s way because have embraced the selfish thoughts the devil has planted in our minds.  When the devil plants thoughts in us is coupled with our receiving, mulling over and embracing them they produce the offspring of sin.  That is why we are to take up the shield of faith in GOD Ephesians 6:16 (that HE is and that HE is a rewarder of those who earnestly seek HIM Hebrews 11:6) for it will stop those fiery darts of lies from taking root in our hearts.

When we focus on JESUS, talk with JESUS about everything and thus abide in HIM then through the work of the HOLY SPIRIT we begin acting like HIM. 2 Corinthians 3:18  The thoughts GOD plants in our hearts, Philippians 2:13 when embraced by us, produce what GOD wants.  For we are allowing GOD to determine our steps.  When HE determines our steps it is impossible for us to sin.


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