Thursday, October 9, 2014


GOD says that we do not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD. Matthew 4:4  In other words, GOD’s word is nourishment for me and for you. It is what is necessary to keep us alive and in good condition..

For that reason, I love the Bible.   Often when I am reading the Word of GOD, Bible verses seemingly jump out at me as I read, that is they catch my complete attention.  When that occurs, they either pose a question or  answer a question I have had or they compel me to stop and pray according to what was said.  

When scripture nudges me to pray, I believe it is GOD revealing how HE intends to act and calling me to pray for that very thing.   In Ezekiel 36:36 last clause & verse 37 GOD says:  I will do it for them, but I want them to ask ME for it.

When GOD shows me how to pray, I think it is as much for me personally as it is for the end result.  When HE shows me what HE is doing it renews  my hope and encourages me to endure.  For faith comes from hearing and hearing from the words (rhema) of Christ.  Romans 10:17   Plus we are told that if we asked anything according to GOD’s will HE would do it. I John 5:14,15

Well, today Joel 2:25-26 jumped out at me:  “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your GOD, who has dealt wondrously with you. And my people shall never again be put to shame.

To restore means to give back something that has been taken away.  When you restore furniture, you take something that has been ravished by time and misuse and restore it to its previous glorious state.
I find it reassuring that it was GOD’s army sent by GOD against us to teach us that took something from us and brought shame.  When we have learned what we need to, HE, our marvelous GOD, will restore= give back to us the years HIS army took from us. Praise HIS holy name.

These words caused me to want to stop and pray, LORD you know ______ and _______ are far away and need to be restored.  They feel shame.  Forgive them in JESUS name.  LORD, I don’t know YOUR timing on this but if anything needs to be done before they can be restored to walk with YOU please do it and bring them back and give them back what has been taken from them.  Oh LORD they are confused and miserable and so much has come in and so many years have been wasted.  And it doesn’t just touch them but all who are around them.  Please bring them back and restore to them the years that were taken from them I ask in JESUS name.
I find it reassuring that it was GOD’s army sent by GOD against us to teach us that took from us.  When we have learned what we need to, HE, our marvelous GOD, will restore= give back to us the years HIS army took from us. Praise HIS holy name.

These words caused me to want to stop and pray, LORD you know ______ and _______ are far away and need to be restored.  LORD, I don’t know YOUR timing on this but if anything needs to be done before they can be restored please do it and bring them back and give them back what has been taken from them.  Oh LORD they are confused and miserable and so much has come in and so many years have been wasted.  And it doesn’t just touch them but all who are around them.  Please bring them back and restore to them the years that were taken from them I ask in JESUS.

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