love the Old Testament (OT) for it gives such vivid pictures of physical things
that illustrate and explain the great spiritual truths found in the New
Testament (NT). I will give two well
known examples:
Numbers 21 we hear the story of the Jews grumbling against GOD again and GOD
sending poisonous snakes among the people.
If a snake bit someone that person would die. They cried out to Moses and Moses cried out
to GOD and GOD had Moses make a bronze snake and put it on a pole and lift it
high enough so that the million + Jews could see it. If one was bit by a snake all he had to do
was look to the bronze snake on the pole and he would be healed but if he chose
not to look at the snake he would die. It was his choice.
JESUS said John 3:14-18 that OT story was a picture
of JESUS on the cross bearing all the sins of the world… if any person sinned
(and there is none who do not sin) and he looked to JESUS (believing that JESUS
died for him)… his sins would be forgiven and he would be given (among other
things) eternal life; if on the other
hand he refused to look to JESUS he would die in his sin. It is each person’s choice whether to look to
JESUS for deliverance or not.
in OT we see at the beginning GOD spent 6 days creating and on the 7th
day HE took a day off. Later when HE gave the Jews the law HE said,
6 days you shall labor but on the 7th you should do no work Leviticus
23:3; you need to rest. It was called the Sabbath. According to Isaiah 58:13,14a on that day you
didn’t do what you wanted to do, you didn’t do things your own way, you didn’t
go where you wanted to go and you didn’t even speak your own words and as a
result you would find delight in the LORD.
the word Sabbath (sounds like Hebrew word for rest) was plural (Sabbaths) it
didn’t speak just about the 7th day it spoke of the 7 Jewish feasts
Leviticus 23:1-44 . (there was also a Sabbath for planting: 6 years you could plant but the
7th you had to let the soil rest Leviticus 25:1-6 because the Jewish
broke the Sabbath for the land they were eventually exiled so the land could
rest for an accumulation of years that it was not allowed to rest).
tells us this the 7th day rest was made for man for he needed a day
to regroup and to refresh and to focus on GOD… the 7th day for the
land was for the same reason. These are
valid things.
in the New Testament (NT) we are shown the spiritual aspect (or real meaning) of
the Sabbath- (that Hebrew word for rest)… Matthew 11:29,30 Come unto ME all you who are weary and
burdened and I will give you rest. Take
MY yoke upon you (do things with ME- MY way as in Isaiah 58:13,14) and learn of ME for I am gentle and
humble in heart and you will find rest in your souls. We find our rest in JESUS, We are with
HIM in all that we do. HE leads us
direction, fights our battles for us, using us to do HIS will and provides for
us. We co labor with HIM…
4:1,2 Therefore let us fear lest, while a promise remains of entering HIS rest
any one of you should seem to come short of it. For we all had the good news
preached to us, just as they did but it didn’t profit them because it was not
mixed with faith.
(Context shows us they are speaking of the Jews who left Egypt refusing to go
into the promise land because they didn’t trust GOD to fight their battles or to
provide for them) 3 But we who have
believed ( in JESUS) have entered into that rest…(believing ) GOD’s works
have been finished (literally came into being) from the foundation of the World. 4 for
HE has spoken about the 7th day (Sabbath) in these words, And on the
7th day GOD rested from all HIS work.
NT Sabbath is our resting from all our
own efforts and submitting to GOD.
As JESUS never said a word or did a thing without 1st getting
instructions from FATHER GOD John 8:28, we too are called to be living
sacrifices Romans 12:1,2 daily (not
one day a week) having our mind
renewed; not saying our own words, or going our own way or finding our own
7:6 But we are delivered from the (OT) law wherein we were held, that we should
serve in the newness of the SPIRIT and not the oldness of the
Corinthians 3:7 but the ministry, in letters engraved on stones (OT law written by the hand of GOD) 3:9 is
the ministry of condemnation
Corinthians 3:8 the ministry of the Spirit (being led by the SPIRIT) is :3:9 the
ministry of righteousness.
3:2 This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the
SPIRIT by the works of the Law or by the hearing with faith?... 3:3 Are you so
foolish? Having begun by the SPIRIT, are
you now being made perfect by the flesh?
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