Saturday, October 4, 2014

What is in a name?

I laughed as the little Walt Disney cartoon fawn Bambi misunderstood Thumper the rabbit and named a little skunk- Flower… But the sweet character within that little skunk showed it was not really a misnomer and it stuck.  When Bambi named the skunk- Flower, the little skunk giggled for it brought him great delight.  Names can bring us pleasure or sorrow.  So we should be careful of what we call others.

Being hearing impaired, I don't always hear a name properly so am uncertain of names.  When I see someone I have met before,  I recognize a face and remember their prayer requests but sometimes struggle with their names.  That is why I love name tags… for after I have seen a name a few times it is easier to remember it. 

A name is a significant concept in both the old and new testaments.  In biblical culture a name did more than identify, it communicated something of the essence, the character, or the reputation of the person or thing named.  We see this vividly in the man Nabal.  His name meant fool and he was a fool. I Samuel 25:25

Names become particularly significant when linked with revelation about GOD.  Of all that HIS names imply, of authority, character, rank, power, or everything the word name covers when speaking of GOD my favorite is how it declares the innate attributes and nature of GOD, showing not just what HE does but what HE is like on the inside.

The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY who was and is and is to come told Moses. “ I know you by name and you have found grace/ favor (Hebrew hen= a free and spontaneous willingness to bestow good on one who needs it/ the word excludes all idea of meriting the good) in MY sight.”  Moses replied, “If I have found grace in YOUR eyes, show me YOUR ways that I may know YOU…show me YOUR glory…” Exodus 33:12,13,18

GOD’s response is interesting but not one I would naturally would have expected.  I would have thought to see a blaze of blinding light and to hear a list of ‘I do it this way and I do it that way’.  Instead, GOD said: “I will make all MY goodness pass before you & I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you… but you cannot see MY face for there shall no human see ME and live.  You will see MY back parts…” Exodus 33:19,20,23  

You see the glory of the LORD is intimately linked with the LORD’s self- revelation.  The root of GOD’s glory is HIS essential nature & in the display of that glorious nature as HE acts in the material universe.   HIS ways are not a list of do’s and don’t but rather a continual outflow of HIS inner nature.

The LORD descended in a cloud and stood with Moses and proclaimed the name of the LORD, “YAHWEY(the self- existent ONE who reveals HIMSELF.. the great I AM), YAHWEY GOD, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and great in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and yet not leaving entirely unpunished…” 

When we see the word name in connection with GOD in the Bible, we must consider more than a way to address HIM.  HIS names are used in different places according to the need HE is addressing in that place.  In one place, HE is the GOD who sees, in another, the LORD who heals you.  Take the time to stop and consider what is being said about GOD each time one of HIS names is used.

Another aspect when considering names is praying in the name of JESUS.  We are not just to tack that phrase on at the end of a prayer.  That term identifies the believer with JESUS who was born and lived as a mesenger revealing the exact representation of GOD's being Hebrews 1:1,2, who died for our sin and rose from the grave victorious.  To pray in the name of JESUS means to identify the content & motivation of that prayer with all that JESUS is and wants & to pray with full confidence in HIM as HE revealed HIMSELF.  Those prayers, JESUS promised would be answered.

To me there is no other name more precious than the names of GOD.  I never grow tired of reviewing GOD’s names and the situations in the Bible where they are used of HIM.  HIS names soothe me and I love to pray them to HIM.

What is in a nameso very much! Just as GOD’s ways are an outflow of HIS innate character & HIS names reflect that flow, so it is with you & me.  What is in our hearts is what comes out.  Luke 6:43-45 Aren't you glad the Holy SPIRIT is within you to spread HIS love & all HIS fruit in our hearts to overflow to others John 7:38,39; & that GOD has chosen to & is in the process of transforming us into the image (to have a nature) of JESUS? Romans 8:29 Remember, GOD knows your name & calls you by it.


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